April 22


Academic Support

Today is the last day of the progress report grading period.  The ECHS teachers will have grades calculated and submitted by 3:00pm on Monday.  Students are entering the final 6 weeks of school and then finals week.  If you are falling behind and need support, please check in with your counselor, Mrs. Mae.  Support is available through our School After School (SAS) program every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm.

Need help with a college class?  Check out the SCC Tutoring Center in the new library there is a schedule of support times available for a number of college classes.  Also, don't forget to see your professors during their in-person or online office hours.  

*If your professor's office hours conflict with a high school class please come and see me for an excused pass.  If you are struggling, we want to do everything we can to support you.  

Counselor Corner

Attention 9th - 11th grade students, please check your MySolano account under the STUDENT tab in the WHEN CAN I REGISTER section to see if your SA form has been cleared by Thursday, April 28. If you do not see the classes, please complete the google form in my classroom to let me know so I can address it with Ms. Jenny, our SCC A&R contact. 

Need to see me? Please make an appointment: 

Mae Valles, School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!) 
Office: 707/416-2384
Monday-Thursday @ ECHS Office Room 337 
Fridays @ the Cafeteria 

College and Career Bulletin

Click here to read Mrs. Danica's College and Career Weekly Announcement Bulletin 

ECHS CC Weekly Announcement Bulletin 4/25-4/29

Speech Contest

The Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District in collaboration with Wells Call Injury Lawyers held the 1st annual Speech Contest in which 12 high school Junior and Senior contestants were selected to compete for a chance to earn scholarships.  Every year, over 10,000 people die from alcohol and drug-related crashes.  The contestants delivered speeches stating why driving under the influence is still an issue and proposed their best solutions.  ECHS was well represented last night in this competition with 9 of the 12 contestants from ECHS!  Stephanie Choi, Isabella Fortier, Logan Jenkins, Anika Lum, Danielle Murphy, Chris Knight, Daniel Prince, Yazmyn Sims, and Rimsha Syed deliver amazing speeches!  They will all be recognized at the FSUSD Board Meeting next week on Thursday at 6:00pm.  

Danielle Murphy won 3rd Place receiving a $1,000 scholarship

Yazmyn Sim won 1st Place receiving a $5,000 scholarship

Congratulations to Danielle, Yazmyn, and all the contestants!

2022-2023 Schedule

We have a new class schedule next year.  It is still technically a draft at this point as we are going through the official approval process now.  We had to make an adjustment to meet the new state guidelines for start times for high schools.  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.  

2022/2023 ECHS Class Schedule

Early College High School Calendar- 2022-2023

Student Board Position

Students, if you are interested in running for the 2022-2023 FSUSD School Board Student Member position here is the link to the application.  Applications are due May 5th, Interviews are May 11th, and the new Student Board Member will be announced on May 26th.

Student Board Member Application


We are excited to announce our special ECHS bowling event.  Through the use of a Wellness Grant, the Student Advisory Council approved our plan to rent the entire Stars Bowlero Bowling Alley in Vacaville.  All 40 bowling lanes are reserved for ECHS students of all grade levels.  Bowling and shoe rentals will be provided at no cost to the students.  Food purchases and arcade games are available if students want to bring money.  The event is on Saturday, May 7th.  Bowling is free from 11:00am-1:00pm.  We will be there to check in students and start the shoe rentals at 10:30am.  We ask that students RSVP on the Google Doc we sent out so we know how many students to put per bowling lane.

Students, RSVP by the end of next week (April 29th)


The 11th and 12th graders finished the California Science Test this week.  The 12th graders are finished with testing unless they were absent and need to make it up.  The 11th graders will start the English testing next week and then the Math testing the following week. We are on a regular class schedule throughout testing.  All testing for 11th graders will take place during their College Readiness class time.  Students, please continue to bring your Chromebooks to class fully charged and ready for testing.  


The Rodriguez High School Yearbook is on sale for $120.  This is a hardcover book made by the RHS Yearbook class students.  This yearbook has a section for ECHS and includes our students who competed on RHS sports teams and participated in after-school events at RHS.

Please visit the following website to purchase the RHS yearbook:


The Early College Magazine is our program's version of a yearbook.  The magazine is created by the ECHS Leadership students and just includes Early College.  You can purchase the ECHS Magazine now using the link below or you can bring $25 cash to the ECHS office.  

*Price goes up to $35 in May.  Buy your magazine next week to get the $25 price!

ECHS Magazine

Panoramic Picture

Tuesday, April 26 is the last day to pay for the Panoramic Pictures.  We have order forms here in the ECHS office.


The RHS/ECHS prom will be held on Saturday, May 28th at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.  More information coming soon but here are the details that we know so far:

-Tickets will go on sale as early as April 6th.  The price will be $120 if purchased in April and $130 if purchased in May.  

-Only 11th and 12th-grade students can attend.  

-RHS and ECHS students can bring guests from other schools as long as the guests are in 11th or 12th grade.

-The venue in San Franciso is requiring everyone who attends to be fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID test.  

-Masks are required in the building except while eating or drinking or in the area where the dance floor is with an open roof.  

Penny Wars

We held a grade-level competition back in March in honor of Women's History Month.  Students brought in pennies and bills to add to their grade's total donations.  Students also brought in nickels, dimes, and quarters to lower other grade levels' totals.  The freshman class won the competition. We raised a total of $3,355.55 for SafeQuest Solano which is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing prevention education, advocacy, and intervention services to those affected by domestic violence.

Spirit Week 

Prior to Spring Break, we had Spirit Week at ECHS.  The Leadership students planned a different theme for each day, concluding with a lunch rally on Friday.  Here are some pictures from each day:

Generations Day

Anything but a Backpack Day

BBQ Dads vs Soccer Moms

Cultural Day

Lunchtime Rally

Upcoming Student Events

Monday-Thursday April 25-28 Smash Bros Tournament during lunch  

Friday, April 29th Fashion Design Event 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Friday, May 6 Game Night 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Saturday, May 7 Bowling 10:30am-1:00pm Stars Vacaville

Friday, May 13 Lip Sync Battle/Music Experience 3:00-4:30

Important Dates

April 22 End of the 2nd Progress Report Grading Period

May 5 and May 6 11th grade college field trips (UC Davis and CSU Sacramento)

May 13th Senior Project Showcase 1:00-2:30pm SCC Cafeteria

May 25th ECHS Senior Ceremony at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation 

May 27 Off Day for ECHS

May 28th Prom

May 30 Off Day (Memorial Day)

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm


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