April 1

Spirit Week 

This week is Spirit Week.  The Leadership students planned a different theme for each day, concluding with a lunch rally on Friday.  Here are the themes for each day:


We are excited to announce our special ECHS bowling event.  Through the use of a Wellness Grant, the Student Advisory Council approved our plan to rent the entire Stars Bowlero Bowling Alley in Vacaville.  All 40 bowling lanes are reserved for ECHS students of all grade levels.  Bowling and shoe rentals will be provided at no cost to the students.  Food purchases and arcade games are available if students want to bring money.  The event is on Saturday, May 7th.  Bowling is free from 11:00am-1:00pm.  We will be there to check-in students and start the shoe rentals at 10:30am.  We ask that students RSVP on the Google Doc we sent out so we know how many students to put per bowling lane.

College Field Trip

Exciting news! We have a field trip planned for the Junior class.  We will be visiting both UC Davis and Sacramento State.  Half of the junior class will attend on Thursday, May 5th and the other half will go on Friday, May 6th.  The first stop is UC Davis where the students will attend a presentation on applying to the UC system and Common App, followed by a 60-minute walking tour of the UC Davis campus.  The students will then head to Sac State to eat lunch on campus before going on a tour of the Sac State campus.  Students will load the bus in the morning at the start of the school day and then return to campus at the end of the day.  Pre-Covid we were able to take juniors every year on this field trip.  We are planning to next year's juniors in the fall and then repeat every year moving forward. To expose our students to both the UC and CSU systems.

SCC Library

The new SCC Library and Learning Resource Center are now open Monday-Thursday 9:30am-2:00pm.  The upstairs is not open at this time but will be opening soon.  We expect everything to be fully open with extended weekly hours in the fall.   

Here are a few things to note:

-Masks are required at all times inside the library at least through the remainder of the semester.

-No food is allowed in the library.  Drinks in a bottle with a lid are allowed.

-Library desktop computers are for school work and research, they are not to be used for gaming.

-The library is a place to get work done, complete research, and get tutoring support. The library should not be used as a hangout spot on campus. 

-Please no loud talking or yelling in the library.  Tables are available downstairs for quiet group work. The upstairs will be open soon with areas for silent reading.

*ECHS students are Solano College students and have full access to the library and tutoring center for help with college classes, however, we need to make sure we are following all SCC rules and not causing any issues on campus.  

ECHS Talent Show

Last week during lunch on Wednesday we had an amazing turn out at our lunchtime talent show.  Everybody who participated on stage did an amazing job!  We have truly talented students here at ECHS!  Here are a few pictures from the event.  


The Rodriguez High School Yearbook is on sale for $120.  This is a hardcover book made by the RHS Yearbook class students.  This yearbook has a section for ECHS and includes our students who competed on RHS sports teams and participated in after-school events at RHS.

Please visit the following website to purchase the RHS yearbook:


The Early College Magazine is our program's version of a yearbook.  The magazine is created by the ECHS Leadership students and just includes Early College.  You can purchase the ECHS Magazine now using the link below or you can bring $25 cash to the ECHS office.  

ECHS Magazine


The RHS/ECHS prom will be held on Saturday, May 28th at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.  More information coming soon but here are the details that we know so far:

-Tickets will go on sale as early as April 6th.  The price will be between $120 if purchased in April and $130 if purchased in May.  

-Only 11th and 12th-grade students can attend.  

-RHS and ECHS students can bring guests from other schools as long as the guests are in 11th or 12th grade.

-The venue in San Franciso is requiring everyone who attends to be fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID test.  

-Masks are required in the building except while eating or drinking or in the area where the dance floor is with an open roof.  

ECHS Parent Group

Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting is on Wednesday, April 20th from 5:30-6:30pm.  This meeting will be held virtually through Google Meet.  Please email me at johnpi@fsusd.org if you would like to attend and I will send you a calendar invitation with the meeting link.  These meetings are open to any and all ECHS parents who would like to attend to hear about things taking place at ECHS, ask questions, provide feedback, and help plan future events.

SAT/ACT Requirement

Cal State drops SAT/ACT admission requirement

By Jocelyn Gecker The Associated Press, The Reporter, 3/24/2022

In a move that squarely places California’s public universities at the forefront of the national trend to drop standardized tests, the Cal State university system will eliminate SAT and ACT exams from admission requirements, officials decided Wednesday. The California State University’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved the change, aligning the country’s largest four-year university system with the “test free” admissions process already adopted by the University of California college system.

The California State University system has 477,000 students at its 23 colleges around the state, while the University of California’s 10 colleges enroll over 280,000 students.

The University of California Board of Regents voted last year to eliminate the standardized test admissions requirement at its undergraduate schools, which include the prestigious campuses of UC Berkeley and UCLA.

Acting Cal State system Chancellor Steve Relyea praised the decision, saying it will help “level the playing field and provide greater access to a high quality college degree for students from all backgrounds.”

Critics have long argued that standardized tests put minority and low-income college applicants at a disadvantage and pose a barrier to their admission. They have noted that wealthier students or their parents have the money to pay for expensive standardized test preparation courses that help boost their scores.

“In essence, we are eliminating our reliance on a high-stress, high-stakes test that has shown negligible benefit,” Relya said in a statement.

California’s public universities, like many across the country, suspended the exams during the pandemic and did not require them during the admissions process for college entry during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years.

Amid the pandemic, more than 1,800 colleges and universities, or nearly 80% of U.S. four-year campuses, adopted either test-optional or score-free policies for fall 2022 applicants, said Bob Schaeffer, executive director of FairTest, a Boston-based anti-testing group.

The decision by the Cal State and the University of California college systems to make that ban permanent will “set a standard for public higher education around the nation,” Schaeffer said.

Students can still choose to submit SAT or ACT scores that will not be considered for admissions purposes but could help in their placement for English and math courses, said Cal State system spokeswoman Toni Molle.

The system had suspended the standardized test requirement during the pandemic, instead basing admission on what it called a “multi factor admissions score” that allowed campuses to consider high school grade point averages, extra curricular activities and leadership roles as well as whether applicants were first-generation college student or came from schools with a high percentages of low-income students.

Upcoming Student Events

After School Events:

Friday, April 29th Fashion Design Event 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Friday, May 6 Game Night 3:00-4:30pm Cafeteria

Friday, May 13 Lip Sync Battle/Music Experience 3:00-4:30

Lunchtime Events:

April 4 - April 8 Spirit Week

Tuesday, April 5 Senior Picnic (field by 300 portables)

Thursday, April 7 GSA Carnival

Friday, April 8th Rally in the gym

*Much more being planned for after Spring Break!

Important Dates

April 11-15 High School and College Spring Break

April 20th ECHS Parent Group Meeting 5:30-6:30pm (Virtual through Google Meet)

April 22 End of the 2nd Progress Report Grading Period

May 13th Senior Project Showcase 1:00-2:30pm SCC Cafeteria

May 25th ECHS Senior Acknowledgement Ceremony at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation 

May 27 Off Day for ECHS

May 28th Prom

May 30 Off Day (Memorial Day)

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm


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