Jan. 28

Academic Support at ECHS

We are well underway with the Spring Semester here at Early College High School.  The college textbooks have been ordered and most students have received their books.  If there are any students who have not received their books, please come to the office on Monday to have Mrs. Davisson or Mrs. Blanc check on the book's status.

The first high school grading period ends in three weeks, on February 18th.  Students, please don't wait to get help if you need it.  We offer school after-school Math support every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00.  We also offer peer tutoring on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:00 and during the school day on Fridays.  

Solano College also provides tutoring support for college classes.  Currently, tutoring is online but there will be in-person college tutoring starting back up at the end of February.  Students, if you need extra help, we are here to support you.  You can ask your high school teacher or professor for help, see your counselor Mrs. Mae, talk to your College Readiness teachers, or come and see me.  We really want to see every student at ECHS succeed!  Our goal is to help every student meet the A-G college entrance requirements (C or higher in every class).   

Wellness Groups

Today was the last day of our first 6-week wellness group workshops led by Kara Sanderson. Mrs. Sanderson is a mental health clinician from the Miri Center.  She is at ECHS every Friday to facilitate student workshops that teach students skills to process and effectively communicate feelings.  Workshops focus on topics such as friendship, social skills, and self-esteem.  These workshops are optional and we are looking for students who wish to continue for another session and/or new students who would like to join.  The second 6-week session will begin on Friday, February 4th.  On Monday, students will be sent a Google Form to sign up. Those interested will be given a permission slip to be signed by a parent or guardian.  Students who join will be excused from class for one period every Friday.  Our session times change each week, so over the course of 6 weeks, no student will miss any single high school class more than once.  If you have any questions, please let me know or feel free to email Mrs. Sanderson directly at karasanderson@miricenter.com

Mario Kart Tournament

Today was the finale of our week-long Mario Kart tournament.  Congratulations to 11th grader, Nicholas Hernandez, for coming out on top in the finale today, he is our 2022 Mario Kart Champion!  It was great to have so many students participate and we appreciate all the student leaders that organized this event.

 Student of the Week

This week I want to highlight 11th graders Sophia Ammons, Anika Koop, and Morgan Witt as the ECHS Students of the Week.  They are all members of the Rodriguez High School Girls Varsity Soccer Team.  This week the team beat Wood 1-0 and tied Vacaville 0-0, keeping the team undefeated in the league with a 6-0-2 record.  The Rodriguez team is in 1st place in the MEL and can clinch a league championship next week!  Sophia, Anika, and Morgan all are excelling on the field as well as in the classroom!

Sophia Ammons is a member of our 0-period Leadership class, Key Club, and Honor Society.  In addition to her high school classes, she is taking  GEOG 001- Physical Geography, Math 011- Elementary Statistics, and KINE 20W- Principles of Fitness & Sports Training.  Sophia has a 3.86 overall weighted GPA in high school!  

Anika Koop is a member of ECHS Key Club and Honor Society.  In addition to her high school classes, she is taking Math 011- Elementary Statistics.  Anika's overall weighted GPA in high school is 3.71!

Morgan Witt has made the ECHS Honor Roll every semester in high school.  In addition to her high school classes, this semester she is taking BIO 15- Introduction to Biology, and DANC 004- Dance Appreciation.  Morgan's overall weighted GPA in high school is 4.31!

Exellent job Sophia, Anika, and Morgan!  Keep up the great work!

Financial Aid for College

If you have questions about the FAFSA or have any financial aid questions, please contact our College and Career Tech, Danica Matthews.  She can be reached by phone at 421-3933 Ext. 1467 or through email at dancicam@fsusd.org

Please also make sure to check out the Feb. 2022 College and Career Chronicles.  There is so much information for students and parents.  

College and Career Chronicles (Feb. 22)

Spring Sports 

Spring sports are starting at Rodriguez High School.  If you are interested in any of the spring sports teams, please reach out directly to the coach asap.  You need to have your physical and athletic paperwork turned in to http://athleticclearance.com before you can start conditioning with the team or participate in tryouts.  

*If you have general sports questions, please come see me or you can email the Rodriguez High School Athletic Director, Tracy Lopez at tracylo@fsusd.org

Badminton- Conditioning now, tryouts start Feb. 7

Contact Coach Audrey audrey.cabatuando@gmail.com

Baseball- Tryouts start Monday, Jan. 31

Contact Coach Maldonado jamesma@fsusd.org

Boys Golf- Will start soon.  Coach to be named shortly.

Softball- Tryouts start Monday, Jan. 31

Contact Coach Lopez tracylo@fsusd.org

Swimming and Diving- Starts Feb. 7

Contact Coach McLaughlin sarahm@fsusd.org

Boys Tennis- Starts Feb. 7

Contact Coach Remy sebastienr@fsusd.org

Track and Field- Conditioning now, official practices starts Feb. 7

Contact Coach Reed cartrack64@gmail.com

Assist-A-Grad Scholarships

Greetings Senior ECHS Students,

I am pleased to announce ASSIST-A-GRAD Scholarships Class of 2022. AAG offers local scholarships to graduating Seniors in the Fairfield-Suisun school district. There are a number of scholarships available for students that plan to pursue a major in college and/or trade. 

-Please see below for details and I encourage ALL seniors that will be attending a 4 year, 2 year, or trade school to APPLY. 

-Review the 2022 Scholarship Guide to make selections. Students can apply to TWO scholarships. For the scholarship, guide click here: https://0201.nccdn.net/1_2/000/000/16f/eb2/2022-scholarship-guide.pdf

-If you would like assistance with reviewing the scholarship guide, drop into CCC Virtual Drop-Ins on Wednesdays using this link here: https://meet.google.com/ydd-usgy-gxi?authuser=0 OR you can make a student success appointment with me here: https://calendly.com/echspsaccc

-Available Scholarships are marked by number and school code (ECHS). The scholarship GUIDE # MUST have ECHS for students to apply. Look for and apply to scholarships with the following GUIDE numbers: 8, 12-13, 21-23, 25, 31, 33, 38, 43-45, *49, *50, *51, 56-57

-*Scholarship GUIDE #'s 49-Rodriguez Athletic Booster Scholarship;,50-Rodriguez PTSO Senior Scholarship; 51-Rotary Club of Cordelia Mayrene Bates and Rotary Club of Cordelia Scholarships are SPECIFICALLY for ECHS students. I encourage ALL to APPLY if you meet the scholarship qualifications

-Students GPA will be rated on a weighted scale 

-Students will need to provide a copy of their HS transcripts. You can get a copy from me or your HS counselor, Ms. Mae

-To request a copy of your transcripts from me, send your request to me at danicam@fsusd.org. Once I get the request I will send a copy of the transcript for print via email

-Students will also need TWO letters of recommendation. They should be from teachers. Teachers can use the LOR form in the scholarship packet or they may prepare one on District letterhead. For AAG LOR requests, DO NOT send through Naviance. Please speak with and give your teacher ample notice, at least two weeks to fill after the date of the request. See letters of recommendation form here: https://0201.nccdn.net/4_2/000/000/046/6ea/2022-letter-of-recommendation-form.pdf

-For scholarship application FOLLOW ALL instructions and please use the "FILL-IN" form, HANDWRITTEN APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. See scholarship application here: https://0201.nccdn.net/1_2/000/000/127/882/2022-student-application.fin.pdf

-All requested documentation and materials in the scholarship packet MUST be typed, "FILL-IN" as stated above handwritten applications will NOT be accepted. 

-Please be sure to read the student scholarship application instruction carefully to ensure that you have all required items before submitting your scholarship packet to me

-Completed scholarship packets are DUE to me by March 1, 12 noon. You can print it out and walk it to the ECHS front office OR you may email me the completed packet and I will print it for submission. For instruction on how to email me the completed packet see here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dac2xqe9g3fwW2hl9703_UM3WcUb53VB-hL8PpTxKYc/edit?usp=sharing

All information and forms are located on the ASSIST-A-GRAD website click here and look under forms: http://assist-a-grad.org/home.html

-I will be coming around to Senior CR classes next week to review the AAG scholarship guide, applications, and other important details. Until then if you have any questions, please reach out to me at danicam@fsusd.org


All the best,

Miss. D-CCT

AA Degree Petitions

Just a reminder if you qualify for an AA degree, you need to complete paperwork so you can confer your degree. March 4, 2022 is the last day to submit degree petitions for the Spring 2022 Conferral. 

Petitioning for a Degree or Certificate – Forms should first be downloaded and saved to your device, filled with your information and signature, saved to your device, then attached to an email that is sent to admissions@solano.edu for processing.

If you need help, please stop by during my drop-in hours Monday-Thursday in the office or Fridays in the cafeteria or schedule an appointment.

Need to see me? Please make an appointment: 

Mae Valles, School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!) 
Office: 707/416-2384

ECHS Parent Group

Due to a low turnout at our Parent Meeting last week our next ECHS Parent Group meeting will take place online instead of in person.  The meeting will take place through Google Meet on February 16th at 5:30pm.  Please email me (johnpi@fsusd.org) if you would like to attend and I will send you a Google Meet calendar invite.  As always these meetings are open to all ECHS parents and guardians that would like to hear about things taking place at ECHS, give feedback and ask questions, and help plan future events.

Upcoming Events


Feb. 4 Outside lunch games on the grass between the soccer and softball fields (weather permitting)

Feb. 11 After School Student Event- Family Feud

Feb. 16 ECHS Parent Group (Online 5:30pm)

Feb. 21-25 No High School Classes

April 11-15 Spring Break (No High School or College Classes)

May 13th Senior Project Showcase

May 25th ECHS Senior Awards at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm

May 28th Prom

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony  at 6:00pm


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