Jan. 14th

Online College Classes

Solano Community College has decided to move its scheduled In-Person Spring Semester courses to online through February 21st.  The majority of the college were already planned to be online this semester so this does not affect them.  We have been encouraging students to check their MySolano accounts to make sure everything is set for when college classes start back up on Tuesday.

There is no school on Monday, January 17 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Tuesday, January 18th we return from our three day weekend to a 6th-period high school class schedule:

1st Period 8:00-8:50
3rd Period 9:00-9:50
5th Period 10:00-10:50
2nd Period 11:00- 11:50
Lunch 12:00-12:50
4th Period 1:00-1:50
6th Period 2:00-2:50

*If any students have a conflict with their online college class time and a high school class time please let us know.  Thanks

Breakfast at ECHS

We are starting breakfast service at ECHS on Tuesday, Jan. 18th.  Stop by the cafeteria for a free breakfast from 7:15-8:00am of cereal or wholegrain poptart, milk, juice, and fruit.

Fall Semester College Grade Data

Overall the ECHS students did really well with their high school and college classes last semester.  Our Registrar/Secretary Stephanie Blanc is going through the college transcripts now and adding college class grades to the high school transcripts.  After that is completed we will honor the students who made the honor roll by earning a 3.5 or higher weighted GPA.

Here is some data on how the students did with their SCC classes last semester:

9th Grade

9th graders earned an average of 2.92 college credits last semester with an average college GPA of 3.03.

The 9th graders took:
ART 012, ASL 001, COMM 001, COUN 007, FREN 031, MUSC 005, MUSC 013, PSYC 001, SOC 001, and SPAN 001.

10th Grade

10th graders earned an average of 4.14 college credits last semester with an average college GPA of 3.30.

The 10th graders took:
ART 001, ASL 001, ASL 002, ASL 003, ASL 005, ASTR 010, ASTR 020, BIO 015, BIO 101, CDFS 038, CINA 010, CINA 011, CIS 001, CJ 001, COMM 001, DANC 004, ECON 001, FREN 002, FREN 031, GEOG 001, HIST 002, HIST 017, HIST 037, KINE 057, MUSC 005, MUSC 008, PHOT 035, PLSC 001, PSYC 001, PSYC 002, SOC 001, SPAN 001, SPAN 002, and SPAN 003.

11th Grade

11th graders earned an average of 6.05 college credits last semester with an average college GPA of 3.28.

The 11th graders took:
ANTH 001, ANTH 002, ART 001, ART 010, ART 012, ART 014, ART 021, ASL 002, ASTR 010, ASTR 020, BIO 004, BIO 015, BIO 016, BUS 018, CDFS 038, CDFS 040, CINA 010, CINA 011, CIS 001, CJ 001, CJ 051, COMM 001, COMM 012, DANC 004, FREN 002, GEOG 001, GEOL 001, GEOL 002,  HIST 017, HIST 018, HIST 028, HIST 037, KINE 057, MATH 002, MATH 011, MATH 020, MATH 051, MUSC 005, MUSC 013, NUTR 010, PHIL 003, PHOT 035, PHYS 002, PLSC 001, PSYC 001, PSYC 030, SJS 001, SOC 001, SPAN 001, SPAN 002, and SPAN 003.

12th Grade

12th graders earned an average of 6.46 college credits last semester with an average college GPA of 3.02.

The 12th graders took: 
ANTH 001, ART 001, ART 002, ART 011, ART 012, ARTD 144A, ARTD 144D, ASL 005, ASTR 010, ASTR 020, BIO 015, BIO 016, BIO 016L, CDFS 038, CDFS 063, CHEM 001, CHEM 010, CINA 011, CIS 022, CJ 001, COMM 001, COUN 015, ECON 001, ENGL 001, ENGL 002, ENGL 004, ENGL 018, FREN 002, GEOG 001, GEOG 001L, GEOL 001, HED 002,  HIST 002, LR 010, MATH 002, MATH 011, MATH 020, MATH 051, PHOT 035, PLSC 001, PSYC 004, PSYC 030, SOC 001, SOC 002, SPAN 003, and THEA 001.

*The college courses once added to the high school transcript will be weighted when factored into the high school GPA.

ECHS Parent Group

Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting will be on Wednesday, Jan. 19th from 5:30-6:30pm in the SCC cafeteria (1400 building).  These meetings are open to any ECHS parent or guardian that would like to come and hear about things taking place at ECHS, give feedback, and help plan future events.  

College Textbooks

The college textbook request form has been sent to students.  Students, please fill out the form when you know what college textbook you will need for your Spring semester classes.  If you have not turned in your textbooks from last semester please do so right away to prevent any delays in getting you your new books.  If have any questions or need help with requesting books come and see Mrs. Davisson in the ECHS office.

Campus Safety

We reviewed campus safety this week with all students during College Readiness classes.  We want to make every student has the on-duty Solano County Sheriff's phone number in case of emergencies.  Students if you haven't already please save these numbers if you haven't done so already:

On-duty Sheriff Cell # 707-580-6526
Pizzo Work Cell # 707-410-0267

We also strongly encourage students to download the Solano College Safe App.  The Safe App. is a great way to get support if needed.

Students watched a Youtube video made by the Solano County Sheriffs and discussed what to do in an active shooter situation.  We hope to never have to go through anything like that but we want students and staff to be best prepared for emergencies situations if they do occur.  If students ever have to evacuate campus during a college class or break and are not with a high school class we ask that they check in when safe by emailing or texting ECHS office staff Stephanie Blanc, Beth Davisson, and myself.  This will help us account for all students in an evacuation.  

Here is the link to the SCC Active Shooter Preparedness video:


Stop the Bleed Training

We are offering a Stop the Bleed Training for staff and students here on campus in the cafeteria from 3:00-5:00pm on Feb. 10th.  Students can earn volunteer hours for attending and will learn valuable life-saving skills.  If you are interested in attending or learning more about the Stop-the-Bleed training please see Principal Pizzo.

Here is also a link for more information:


Congratulations Mrs. Mae!

Congratulations to Mrs. Mae!  She was honored last night at the FSUSD Board meeting as the ECHS Teacher of the Year.  We so appreciate everything Mrs. Mae does for the ECHS students!

Upcoming Student Activities

Upcoming Events


Jan. 18 First day back for college classes (6th-period day school schedule)

Jan. 19 ECHS Parent Group Meeting 5:30pm SCC Cafeteria

Feb. 21-25 No High School Classes

April 11-15 Spring Break (No High School or College Classes)

May 13th Senior Project Showcase

May 25th ECHS Senior Awards at 6:00pm Willow Hall
May 26th SCC Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony  at 6:00pm


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