October 29

Senior Project Pitches The seniors are hard at work getting ready to make their Senior Project Pitches starting next week. We are looking for parent volunteers from any grade level to come in and be part of the panels. Mr. Voyce said, "This is where the seniors put together a presentation of their idea, tell us a little bit about themselves, and why the project idea is a good fit for them. It's helpful to the students to have a range of perspectives for feedback and "have you considered?" brainstorms." You don't have to be a parent of a 12th grader. We are looking for parents of all grade levels to come and join us. All ECHS students will do a Senior Project in 12th grade. This is a great way to see what's coming down the road for your student if they aren't in 12th grade yet. If you can make it to one or more of the following sessions please send me an email (johnpi@fsusd.org) so I can add you to the guest list. *All guests m...