March 12th

 1 Year of Distance Learning

Its hard to believe that one year ago on Friday, March 13 it was the last day we would have students here on campus.   That day we were passing out Academic Awards and enjoying frozen yogurt on campus.  I went back to last year's March 6th Blog entry and there are pictures from our lunchtime video game tournament, students working in small groups together during US History class, students hanging out together outside while we played music during lunch.  We were looking forward to things like the Lip Sync Battle, Karaoke, Paint Night, Talent Show, Senior Project Showcase, Prom, and so much more.

This year has been a challenge to say the least, but our students and staff have worked so hard to make the most of it.  I am proud of how the students have been able to focus on not just what they are missing out on, but what they are able to do virtually.  Our student clubs have taken off and every day of the week students are connecting online and supporting each other.  ECHS students have worked hard to not only keep their grades up but to raise their GPAs.  Our Peer Tutoring has been successful and at times we have more students ready to help tutor than we have students requesting help.  Our students have been out in the community working part-time jobs, volunteering, and conditioning with their sports teams.  Each week I visit high school classes and I get to see first hand how amazing our students are.  I also have to pleasure of getting messages from college professor that can't say enough great things about the ECHS students.  I hear things like they are prepared for class, so active in class discussions, and are earning excellent grades, even outperforming the adult students who are much older than them.

We have 11 weeks of school left before Final Exams June 7th and 8th.  We are working hard to make the most our the end of the school year.  We want every student to finish strong!  Students whose grades have dropped this semester have plenty of time to bring them up and we have supports in place to help.  We have virtual events planned and lunchtime activities to help keep students connecting with each other.  We are starting to move into more normalcy as sports are back to competitions and we are welcoming the students who opted in back to campus on Fridays starting after Spring Break.  We plan to recognize and honor all the ECHS seniors.  Many of them are finishing AA degrees and will be graduating from SCC on May 27th in a virtual ceremony.  Our seniors have been getting accepted into amazing 4-year schools and many others will stay at SCC next year with plans to transfer.  Our seniors are amazing and have not lost their focus.  They are on on track to graduate from high school and will leave ECHS with an average of between 45-50 college units.  I am confident they all will be able to earn a bachelor's degree and beyond!  

My message to all the students at ECHS is, we are in this together.  We are here to help and we want you all to finish strong!  

In-Person Class Schedule

As a reminder, coming to campus is optional and students who didn't opt in will not be penalized in any way.  Our teachers are returning to the SCC campus on March 29th to prepare their classrooms and 93 out of our 314 current students will start coming on Friday's after Spring Break starting on April 16th. 

Nothing changes Monday-Thursday for the remainder of the year.  Everything takes place online and our Distance Learning Schedule remains the same.  Starting April 16th, our new schedule starts.  Everybody is online for our short check in classes until 9:25am.  Students who are remaining online start asynchronous time and the students who are coming to campus eat an early lunch at home and then head to campus.  We are not serving food on campus during in-person Fridays.  The cafeteria is not open and students are required to wear a mask on campus at all times.  We will be giving students a bag of food if they would like on their way home at 3:00pm.  

Here is the schedule:

Friday Only (Starting April 16th on the SCC Campus)


Online (Required for all students)

7:45-7:55 0 Period

8:00-8:10 1st Period

8:15-8:25 3rd Period

8:30-8:40 5th Period

8:45-8:55 2nd Period

9:00-9:10 4th Period

9:15-9:25 6th Period


(Lunch/Break/Travel time for students)

In-Person (Optional for Students)
10:30-11:00 0 Period

11:10-11:40 1st Period

11:50-12:20 3rd Period

12:30-1:00 5th Period

1:10-1:40 2nd Period

1:50-2:20 4th Period

2:30-3:00 6th Period

*Students will be assigned a classroom to go to on their "break periods."  The college is not open for students to walk around or go to the cafeteria or library on their breaks as they would be in a normal year.

ECHS Parent Group

Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting has been moved to Wednesday, March 17th from 6:00-7:00pm.  This meeting will also serve as our Return to In-Person Parent Townhall meeting.  Please join if you have questions about the In-Person Fridays.  You will also have a chance to hear an update from our Parent Leaders and Student Leaders.  If you plan on attending, you can find the link below.  

Here is the Google Meet link:

9th Grade Support Night

We have planned a 9th grade support night for Thursday, March 18th at 6:00pm. This event is open to all 9th grade parents or guardians.  If you choose to attend, you will hear from 9th grade College Readiness teachers Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Turgeon-Staggs, English with Mrs. Krutz, Math with Mrs. Freitas, and Science with Mr. Voyce.  School Counselor Mrs. Mae and I will be attending online as well.  We will all be going over ways to support the 9th graders in finishing strong the rest of the semester.  If you plan on attending, please save the link below.  

Here is the Google Meet link:


Solano County has moved into the Red Tier this week and we are hoping to move into Orange Tier soon.  We are working on plans to do an In-Person Graduation for the Class of 2021.  I talked to the seniors during Economics class and plan to visit with them again next week during College Readiness classes.  Our gradation date is going to be either June 8 or June 9 depending on the final plans.  Here are the options that are being considered and were presented to the school board last night.  I will make sure to put out updates to the seniors and parent/guardians of seniors very soon.  If you have any questions please email or call me or please do join us at the ECHS Parent Group meeting on Wednesday night.

Senior Spotlights

Priya Kaur

Priya Kaura has done an amazing job at ECHS!  Since the start of 11th grade she has maintained a GPA over 4.0 every semester!  She has been accepted to every university that she has applied to so far and will be making a decision soon.  In addition to her high school and college class load, she works as a Brand Associate at Hollister and has volunteered at Kaiser Vallejo and Northbay Fairfield for over 200 total hours.  Priya is on track to graduate from SCC with a Liberal Studies Associate's Degree.  Priya's goal is to become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner after college.  Great job Priya!

Nyree Johnson

Nyree Johnson has done an excellent job at ECHS!  She's been a captain on the RHS Cheer Team for 3 years and has also been awarded All-American status.  In addition to high school, college classes, and cheer team, Nyree has started a small business.  Nyree started a cosmetic company and sells beauty products like false eyelashes and lip gloss.  Her website is  if you would like to check it out.  Nyree plans to attend either Cal State East Bay or Sonoma State.  She is on track to complete 3 AA degrees from SCC in Liberal Studies, Social Sciences, and Sociology.  Great job Nyree!

RHS Athletics

Girls Tennis, Boys Golf, and Cross Country are well underway.  We have ECHS student athletes on each team and they are doing well.  Football also has started and the first game is Friday, March 19 vs Armijo.  

All other sports will be starting soon.  Information on when competition for each sport starts is listed below.

If you have any questions regarding RHS athletics, please contact Athletic Director Tracy Cordes at or reach out to the coach directly.

Social-Emotional Support

Care Solace for Our Families! *REMINDER*


Social-emotional support has been identified by staff, students, and families as one of the top priorities. Our district has partnered with Care Solace to provide these supports.

With Care Solace, families and staff gain access to a dedicated Care Concierge team, with experts available around-the-clock to guide users through processes related to insurance, provider availability, wait times and scheduling. Care Solace's care navigation system uses proprietary technology and a vast database of behavioral and mental healthcare resources to find carefully vetted therapists and programs in minutes.

Care Solace is now available to Fairfield-Suisun families and staff.

Upcoming Events

3/17/21 ECHS Parent Group Wednesday 6:00pm

3/18/21 ECHS 9th Grade Support Parent Night 6:00pm

4/1/21 Last Day to drop a college class with a withdrawal W 
*Please talk to Mr. Pizzo or Mrs. Mae before dropping any class

4/2/21- 4/9/21 Spring Break No High or College Classes 

4/26/21 Fall 2021 and Summer 2021 SCC Class Registration 

SCC Graduation May 27th (Virtual Ceremony)

ECHS/RHS Graduation June 8 or June 9th 
*more information to come


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