
Welcome Back

I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break.  I had to pleasure of visiting multiple classes this week and saw students engaged in lessons, participating with cameras on, students answering questions and debating in the class chats, and more.  After 3 weeks off we are definitely excited to be back!

Looking ahead to next year, we plan to have 3 weeks off at winter break again.  We plan to start 1 week ahead of the rest of the school district and the teachers and students will get the week back with an extended winter break.  Our official calendar will be released very soon once it becomes approved.  For the planning purposes, ECHS classes will begin on Wednesday, August 11th (1 week before the district returns for students on August 18th).  This give us 3 days to get ready and settled in before the Solano College Fall 2021 classes start back on August 16th.  

1,424.5 credits

Early College High School students earned 1,425.5 college credits from Solano Community College last semester!  Our students did an excellent job even with the struggles of distance learning, with an average college GPA is a 3.05. Mrs. Harris is going through the each student's SCC transcript now and updating the high school transcripts.  Once complete we will have a drive thru event for students to get their academic awards if they earned a 3.5 GPA or higher.  Student who have earned a 3.5 or higher for the 3rd semester will receive their academic letter.

The college classes our students took last semester are listed below:

9th grade 
(9th graders were limited to 1 college class for their first semester)

Art 002 (6 students)
Art 010 (1 student)
Art 047 (1 student)
ASL 001 (16 students)
CDFS 001 (2 students)
CDFS 038 (1 student)
CIS 022 (1 student)
COMM 001 (23 students)
COUN 005 (2 students)
FREN 031 (6 students)
PSYC 001 (29 students)
SOC 001 (3 students)
SPAN 001 (2 students)
SPAN 031 (6 students)

10th grade 

ACCT 001 (1 student)
ANTH 002 (5 students)
ASL 001 (7 students)
ASL 002 (9 students)
ASTR 010 (1 student)
BIO 015 (3 students)
CINA 010 (2 students)
CINA 011 (3 students)
CJ 001 (22 students)
COMM 001 (15 students)
ECON 001 (1 student)
FREN 002 (12 students)
FREN 031 (5 students)
FREN 032 (1 student)
GEOG 001 (1 student)
HED (1 student)
HIST 017 (3 students)
MUSC 013 (1 student)
PHOT 035 (6 students)
PSYC 001 (16 students)
SOC 001 (2 students)
SPAN 001 (9 students)
SPAN 002 (10 students)
SPAN 003 (3 students)
SPAN 31 (1 students)
THEA 035 (1 student)

11th Grade

ANTH 001 (1 student)
ART 001 (3 students)
ART 002 (1 student)
ART 008 (1 student)    
ART 010 (1 student)
ART 014 (1 student)
ART 046 (1 student)
ASL 002 (1 student)
BIO 015 (1 student)
BIO 16 (1 student)
BIO 16L (1 student)
BIO 025 (1 student)
CDFS 038 (1 student)
CDFS 040 (1 student)
CINA 010 (4 students)
CINA 011 (3 students)
CIS 001 (1 student)
CJ 001 (3 students)
COMM 001 (6 students)
DRFT 079 (2 students)
FREN 004 (3 students)
GEOL (2 students)
HIST 017 (3 students)
HIST 028 (2 students)
HIST 037 (1 student)
IT 101 (1 student)
KINE 020A (1 student)
MATH 002 (14 students)
MATH 011 (18 students)
MATH 051 (1 student)
MATH 104 (1 student)
MATH 311 (2 students)
PLSC 001 (6 students)
PLSC 016 (1 student)
PSYC 001 (11 students)
PSYC 002 (5 students)
PSYC 034 (2 students)
SJS 002 (1 student)
SOC 001 (2 students)
SPAN 002 (1 student)

12th Grade

ANTH 001 (1 student)
ANTH 001 L (1 student)
ART 001 (1 student)
ART 014 (1 student)
ASL 005 (1 student)
ASTR 020 (1 student)
BIO 002 (1 student)
BIO 012 (1 student)
BIO 012L (1 student)
BIO 014 (1 student)
BIO 015 (1 student)
BIO 016 (1 student)
CDFS 070 (2 students)
CHEM 001 (12 students)
CHEM 002 (1 student)
CHEM 010 (2 student)
CINA 011 (1 student)
CJ 002 (1 student)
CJ 051 (1 student)
COMM 001 (1 student)
COMM 005 (1 student)
ECON 001 (1 student)
ENGL 001 (21 students)
ENGL 002 (5 students)
ENGL 004 (12 students)
FREN 004 (1 student)
GEOL (2 students)
HIST 018 (1 student)
HIST 037 (4 students)
LR 010 (21 students)
Math 002 (7 students)
Math 011 (7 students)
Math 020 (6 students)
Math 051 (1 student)
Math 311 (3 students)
MUSC 013 (1 student)
NUTR 010 (4 students)
OCED 070 (1 student)
OCED 091 (1 student)
PSYC 002 (3 students)
PSYC 004 (1 student)
SOC 001 (1 student)
SOC 045 (1 student)
WATR 101 (1 student)

College Textbooks

There are still some students who have not returned their college textbooks that they no longer need from last semester.  Please drop the books off to our office asap next week.  We have a cart outside the door so you don't have to come in.  Getting all the books back in helps prevent any delays in getting them back out to students who need them for the Spring semester.

Once students know what they need from their professors for next semester they can start inputting their requests into the Google Textbook Form.  We will process the requests as quickly as possible.  Some books will need to be ordered and can take a week or so to arrive.  Once the book is ready for pickup, students will get an email from Mrs. Harris or Mrs. Davisson to come and pick up their new books.

Academic Support

College classes start back up Tuesday, Jan. 19th.  As a reminder no student at any grade level is required to take more than 1 college class each semester.  Taking 1 college class each semester in our program will give an ECHS graduate way beyond the number of high school credits needed for graduation.  Completing 8 college classes while in high school, earns them at least 24 college units and equals just about a year of college completed while in high school.  We encourage our students to take a manageable workload.  Taking more than 1 college class each semester and/or taking summer class is optional, but certainly not required.

Our high school after school Math support starts back up online on Thursday, Jan. 21st and will run again every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm.  This is open to any ECHS student that would like extra Math help.  Contact Mrs. Freitas for more information.

In-person Math 2 support will start back up as well on Thursday, Jan. 21st and will run again every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm at RHS with Mrs. Turgeon-Staggs.  Students who participate in November and December continue to have a seat in the class.  New students who wish to join the in person after school class should contact me next week. 

Every Friday, our school counselor Mrs. Mae has three 1 hour drop-in sessions available for students.  These sessions are open to all students who have questions for their counselor, need help with anything, or would like work with a peer tutor.  ECHS Peer Tutors are ready to help their classmates with high school and/or college class work.  Please contact Mrs. Mae for more information.  

Counselor Corner

Happy New Year! 

Just a reminder, you should be able to log into your Canvas for your Solano College course(s) and see the content. If not, the professor has until the first day of class to activate the course content. Some tips: look through the dues dates for assignments and put it on your calendar and set reminders! 

Seniors! Solano College Degree Petitions submissions start on the 19 of January and the deadline to submit it is February 19. 2021. Please be sure to meet with your SCC Counselor to determine if you are eligible! Here is the form needed: http://www.solano.edu/graduation/2021/AAASADT.pdf

Don't forget that I am available for one on one meetings through my appointment calendar link:  http://tiny.cc/ECHS-CounselorCal

Every Friday during academic time, I have support sessions and drop-in appointments as well. The links below are google meet links that will take you the main google meet link where I will send students into break out rooms. 

Click here! Session 1 @ 10:00am 

Click here! Session 2 @ 1:00pm 

Click here! Session 3 @ 2:00pm

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles
School Counselor

maev@fsusd.org (email is best!)
Work Cell#: 707/435-3551
Office: 707/416-2384

Student of the Week

11th grader Alexis Taliafero is our ECHS Student of the Week!  Alexis had her best semester yet in the program and is rising to the challenges of distance learning.  She earned an A in all of her high school and college classes.  She took Introduction to Public Speaking and Introduction to Sociology and has now completed 18 total college units.

Alexis is in Leadership and is working on the Events Committee.  She is also a member of the ECHS Honor Society.  She was featured this week in the Daily Republic for her work co-founding the nonprofit Mini Meow Rescue and serving as a junior board member.  Here is a link from the Monday's article:


Great job Alexis!

ECHS Parent Group

Our next ECHS Parent Group meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 20th from 6:00-7:00pm.  This meeting will be held online through Google Meet.  This is open to any ECHS parent who would like to hear about things taking place at ECHS, provide feedback and ask questions, and help plan future event.  Here is the link the meeting:



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