
Spring 2021 Registration

Our registration window opened on Thursday morning.  Every student should now be web registered for at least one college course for the spring semester.  If you are still having issues getting into the spring college classes, please let School Counselor, Mae Valles or I know right away and we will make sure to help you resolve the issue as soon as possible.  There is still plenty of time to add or change scheduled college classes before the next SCC semester starts on January 18th.

School After School Special Edition

Monday, December 7th there is a special extended SAS (School After School) math support from 3:00-5:00pm.  Mrs. Freitas and Mrs. Turgeon-Staggs will be helping along with multiple student math tutors.  We will also be holding our regular SAS on Thursday, December 10th from 3:00-4:00.

Support with Studying for College Finals

Thursday, December 10th and Friday, December 11th we have student tutors ready to help after school from 3:00-4:00.  Students who want help in studying for Spanish, French, Science, Math, and more please log in with the Google Classroom Lunch Hangouts link after school both days.  

Friday, December 11th is the last day for Counselor Support sessions with Mrs. Mae and student tutors for this semester.  

Support with Studying for High School Finals 

Monday, December 14th from 3:00-4:00 Mr. Voyce, Mrs. Pratt, and Mrs. Freitas will be available to help students with Math and Science.

Tuesday, December 15th from 3:00-4:00 Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Krutz, and Mrs. Williamson will be available to help students with English and Social Science. 

*Students please log into the Google Classroom Lunch Hangout and then you will be directed into breakout rooms.  

STEM Panel Series

Check out this great opportunity.  Please contact our College and Career Tech. Danica Matthew at DanicaM@fsusd.org for more information.

Planning for College

Hello Students and Families-

If you are interested in getting information on College Financial Planning Information join us at the Planning for College Informational Night, hosted by AHS. 

The topics that will covered are as follows:

-Understanding College Cost

-Specifics on Financial Aid -Ideas for how to pay for College

-Ideas for reducing College cost

December 9th @ 6 p.m. via Zoom See the flyer for more details, registration information, and Zoom link

*Contact Danica Matthews at DanicaM@fsusd.org for more information.


In addition to participating in the ECHS Parent Group meetings (our next meeting will be January 20th) please consider joining the PTSO.  The RHS/ECHS PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization) is having a membership drive.  This organization supports RHS and ECHS staff and students.  Please visit www.rodriguezptso.org for more information.

ECHS parents have also set up a Facebook group enabling ECHS parents to connect with each other.  If you haven't joined already, here is the link if you would like to join 

Here is a message from the PTSO:

Student of the Week

11th grader Mashika Mrema is one of our ECHS students of the week.  His overall weighted GPA that includes all of his high school and college classes is 4.45!  This semester his college classes are French 4, Psych 2, and Psych 34.  Next semester he is taking Elementary Statistics and Sociology of African Americans.

This year Mashiska started the ECHS Book Club.  He and his classmates chose to read Aldous Huxley's, Brave New World.  He is also a member of the Academic Decathlon team, HOPE Club, Key Club, BSU, and GSA.  Great job Mashika!

10th grader Katie Ziomek-Portillo is also an ECHS Student of the Week.  Katie's overall weighted GPA with high school and college class is a 3.7.  This semester her college classes are ASL 2 and THEA 35 Foundations of Musical Theatre: Acting.  Next semester Katie is taking Public Speaking and Introduction to Drawing.  Last school year Katie was in the Solano College production of My Fair Lady.  

Katie was nominated for student of the week for her hard work and effort in Math class.  She asks questions and seeks out extra help when needed.  Her classmates and math teachers have definitely noticed her determination to keep her grade up in Math as well as all her other classes.  Great work Katie!


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