
 Finals Week

We are down to the end of the semester.  Some of the high school class finals took place this week in an effort to stagger the finals so the students didn't have all of their high school and college finals on the same day.  This has been a difficult semester with being unable to be together in person, but I am so proud of the students and staff for their hard work.  Four more days until we are off for 3 weeks.  Let's finish strong!

We are on a special finals schedule next week on Wednesday and Thursday.  If any students have a conflict due to a live college final exam, they need to let their high school teacher know right away so we can make accommodations.

Here is the Finals Schedule:

Wednesday, 12/16

1st Period 8:00-9:15

3rd Period 9:30-10:45

5th Period 11:00-12:15

Thursday, 12/17

2nd Period 8:00-9:15

4th Period 9:30-10:45

6th Period 11:00-12:15

Friday, 12/18

No School- Teacher Work Day

After School Study Hall

Monday, December 14th from 3:00-4:00 Mr. Voyce, Mrs. Pratt, and Mrs. Freitas will be available to help students with Math and Science.

Tuesday, December 15th from 3:00-4:00 Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Krutz, and Mrs. Williamson will be available to help students with English and Social Science. 

*Students please log into the Google Classroom Lunch Hangout and then you will be directed into breakout rooms.  

ECHS Shirts and Sweatshirts

If you would like to purchase an ECHS shirt or sweatshirt they are available in royal, black, and dark green.  Shirts are $12 and sweatshirts are $22.  Shipping to your home is $5.  Click the links below to order yours today!

College and Career Announcements

Here is the link to the College and Career weekly updates and announcements.  Please contact Danica Matthews at danicam@fsusd.org if you have any questions.

College and Career Weekly Announcements for 12/14-12/18

Care Solace

I posted this in the blog a few weeks back, but wanted to post it again.  Care Solace has been such a great resource for some of our students and families.  Please reach out to School Counselor, Mae Valles or me if you have questions or need support.

Care Solace is an online resource with a live 24×7 concierge line that assists individuals in finding local mental health related programs and counseling services. To use Care Solace, individuals answer ten basic questions in order to receive an extensive list of referrals to applicable care providers. Care Solace takes into account all types of insurance including Medi-Cal, Medicaid, and Medicare and those that have no insurance. The system also filters by age, gender, zip code and special requests.

FSUSD’s partnership with Care Solace provides access to services for our students, staff, and families at no cost. Please note, this service is an optional resource available by choice and is not mandatory in any way. Care Solace does not require a user’s name, address, phone number, or date of birth. All of the information that is entered on their platform is completely confidential and stored securely.

To access Care Solace, visit https://www.caresolace.com/site/fsusdfamilies/

Care Solace provides care connections for mental health concerns related to:

  • alcohol
  • marijuana
  • hallucinogens
  • inhalants  
  • opioids
  • stimulants
  • sedatives
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • suicide
  • bipolar disorder
  • obsessive compulsive disorder
  • trauma & stress
  • disruptive, impulse control
  • eating disorders
  • neurodevelopmental disorders

Student of the Week

12th grader, Wanwisah (Phon) Wongkamchang in one of our ECHS Students of the Week.  Phon is doing an amazing job in the ECHS program.  She has earned an A or B in every college class she has taken and is on track to earn multiple AA degrees from SCC with over 60 college units completed in high school.

Phon is a member of the ECHS Key Club, National Honor Society, and Senior Class Club.  She is taking English 4 and Chem. 1 this semester and plans to take Psych. 2, Hist. 37, and possibly Bio. 2 next semester.  After high school she wants to stay close to home and is applying to UC Davis and UC Berkeley.  We are so proud of Phon!

11th grader Jack Flynn is also an ECHS Student of the Week.  Jack has worked really hard this semester to raise his grades and is on track to make the Honor Roll with a 3.6 GPA.  Jack is thriving during distance learning!

Jack is in the Leadership class and is serving on the Magazine committee.  He is also a member of the Academic Decathlon team, ECHS Student Co-Ambassador with GenUp, member of the RHS Culture Club, and a delegate to California Young Democrats.  He was just accepted into the Ed 100 Academy for student leaders.  Great job Jack!

Hot Chocolate Day

Today was Hot Chocolate Day :)


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