November 21

 Thanksgiving Break

FSUSD is off for the week so there will be no high school classes, however college is still in session and has classes on Monday and Tuesday.  If you have live class sessions, please make sure to attend and make sure you are completing any work that is due next week.  This has been an extra challenging year, please make sure to take some time next week to relax, take care of yourself, and stay safe.  

ECHS Office is Closed for the Semester

We had to close our Early College office at Solano College in Building 300.  Susan Harris, Elvira Preciado, and I will be working at Rodriguez High School for the remainder of the semester.  We will be back on the Solano campus on 1/4 or 1/11 and will let you know when we have our official return date.  You can still reach Mrs. Harris at 707-862-7158.  If you need to get in touch with me, please call my work cell phone at 707-410-0267 and of course you can continue to email us if you need anything.  We have the T-shirt orders and they can now be picked up at the RHS office after break.

Senior Projects

The ECHS seniors did an amazing job presenting their plans and ideas for their projects over the last two weeks.  I had the pleasure of joining in on almost all of the pitch panel sessions along with Mr. Voyce.  Thank you to parents Cindy deRosier, Lindsey Paoli, and Sarah Low Daly for joining the panels and providing great feedback to the students.  We are all so impressed with how the students have been able to adapt their Creative Art, Community Service, and Career Exploration projects in this time with COVID restrictions.  We can't wait to see the final projects at the end of the year showcase event!


Counselor Corner

Special Admissions Forms: We are still taking SA forms for processing. Make sure you are uploading to my google classroom under assignment "Spring 2021 SA Form". From there I have the google form where you complete and it will generate the SA form to you and email you. You need the SA Form cleared before you register on Dec 3. On Wednesday, 11/25/2020, please log into your MySolano account, click "Student" tab and then click "When Can I Register" to check if your SA form has been cleared. Please reference the assignment "Check MySolano Re: SA Forms" on my google classroom for specific instructions. If your courses are not listed on there, please check again on Monday, 11/30/2020. If you still do not see your classes listed on that screen, please send me an email with your Solano ID# and stating that "My SA form has not been cleared".

How to check your Spring 2021 high school Schedule: To view your Spring 2021 high school schedule, please log into your Aeries, click "Classes" then click "Course Request". If you have questions about the Spring 2021 high school schedule, please send me an email or make an appointment and we can discuss it. 

High School Grades: Make sure you are reaching out to your high school teachers because after this week is over, we have 3 weeks left in the semester. Stay after class and use the academic time to get help right away. Attend SAS on Mondays and Thursdays at 3:00pm. I have counselor support session times with tutors as follows every Friday. I am also available to meet with students as drop in appointments. The links below are google meet links that will take you to the main google meet link where I will send students into break out rooms. 

Click here! Session 1 @ 10:00am 

Click here! Session 2 @ 1:00pm 

Click here! Session 3 @ 2:00pm


Solano College Grades: There is a feature on your Solano College Canvas where you can see what your grades are. If you need help with this, please make an appointment or see me during drop in hours on Fridays. Continue to attend your college course, even if you think you will fail your SCC course. Make sure you are emailing your professor about your college course, they want you to be successful in their class! On Friday Dec 4, 2020, if you think you are going to fail the course, please email me and we can address it. 

SCC Spring 2021 Registration:  I will be posting a video by the end of Monday, 11/30/2020, to review the step by step registration process. On Thursday, Dec 3, at 9:30am, ECHS students will be able to register themselves through their MySolano account. If you need help, please pop into this google meet link that day between 9:00am - 11:00am. Do not come if you have live high school class meetings. Here is the link: 


Please let me know if you have any questions. 



Mae Valles

School Counselor (email is best!)

Work Cell#: 707/435-3551

Office: 707/416-2384

Care Solace

Care Solace is an online resource with a live 24×7 concierge line that assists individuals in finding local mental health related programs and counseling services. To use Care Solace, individuals answer ten basic questions in order to receive an extensive list of referrals to applicable care providers. Care Solace takes into account all types of private insurance including Medi-Cal, Medicaid, and Medicare and those that have no insurance. The system also filters by age, gender, zip code and special requests.

FSUSD’s partnership with Care Solace provides access to services for our students, staff, and families at no cost. Please note, this service is an optional resource available by choice and is not mandatory in any way. Care Solace does not require a user’s name, address, phone number, or date of birth. All of the information that is entered on their platform is completely confidential and stored securely.

To access Care Solace, visit

Care Solace provides care connections for mental health concerns related to:

  • alcohol
  • marijuana
  • hallucinogens
  • inhalants  
  • opioids
  • stimulants
  • sedatives
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • suicide
  • bipolar disorder
  • obsessive compulsive disorder
  • trauma & stress
  • disruptive, impulse control
  • eating disorders
  • neurodevelopmental disorders

Mental Wellness Newsletter

Hello Rod,

Good afternoon, my name is Denisse Ambriz, I am the Social Work Intern. I hope everyone is doing well. As we go into the break, I wanted to provide a wellness newsletter in case anyone needed extra support during the break.


Denisse Ambriz

Denisse Ambriz
Social Work Intern at Rodriguez High School
MSW Sacramento State Student

This is a screen shot.  Please see the PDF from the email for the hyperlinks.  

Senior Pictures (RHS Yearbook)

Here is the information again for submitting senior pictures to for RHS yearbook.  
We will be sending out information next semester regarding the ECHS Magazine photo submission and school photos for all students.  For questions about the RHS yearbook please contact Katie Gagnon at


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