
Senior Project

The ECHS seniors are working hard on their Senior Projects  The next step is for them to pitch their senior project ideas to a panel.  We are looking for ECHS parents of all grade levels to join us on the panels to listen to the presentations and help provide feedback to the senior students.  If any parents are available to help on any of the following panel sessions, please let me know and I will send you the Google Meet link for the session selected.  Please email me or give me a call at 707-862-7159 if you have any questions.  Here are the Senior Project pitch session dates and times:

3rd Period 
Monday 11/9 10am-12pm
Thursday 11/12 9am-10am
Monday 11/16 10am-12pm
Wednesday 11/18 10am-12pm

4th Period
Tuesday 11/10 10am-12pm
Thursday 11/12 1pm-2pm
Tuesday 11/17 10am-12pm
Thursday 11/19 10am-12pm

Veteran's Day

There are no high school or college classes on Wednesday, 11/11 in observance of Veteran's Day.  On Thursday, 11/12 we will be on our 6 period schedule.  Students with college classes that have meeting times during our high school schedule on 11/12 will be excused from class.  Students, please notify your teachers if you have a class time conflict ahead of time next week.  Here is the Thursday schedule:

1st Period 8:00-8:50
3rd Period 9:00-9:50
5th Period 10:00-10:50
2nd Period 11:00-11:50
Lunch/Club Time 12:00-12:50
4th Period 1:00-1:50
6th Period 2:00-2:50

Progress Report Grades

The second progress report grades are out now.  Parents if you need help logging into Aeries or need your password reset, please contact Susan Harris at 707-862-7158 or email her at susanharr@fsusd.org.  We will continue to be reaching out to students who are earning below a C in any class.  There is still time to get those grades up before the semester ends.  We have after school math support every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00, Peer Tutoring on Fridays, and our teachers our meeting with students individually and in small groups to provide support during asynchronous time.  Students, please reach out to your teachers or your counselor, Mrs. Mae maev@fsusd.org if you need help. 

Visit from Good Day Sacramento

On Monday we had a virtual visit from Courtney Dempsey who anchors and reports for Good Day Sacramento on CW 31 Monday- Friday.  Students were able to ask her questions and learn a lot from her experiences.  She took students on a virtual tour of the studio and they also got to meet her technical director and producer.  The event took place during lunch/club time and was sponsored by the ECHS BSU and was open to all students who wanted to participate. Special thanks to Mrs. Nance for setting up this opportunity for our students.

ECHS Parent Group 

On Thursday, November 12th we have our 3rd ECHS Parent Group meeting from 6:00-7:00pm.  These meetings are always open to any ECHS parents who want to attend and hear about things taking place at ECHS, give feedback, and help plan future events.  Here is the link to the Google Meet if you would like to attend:


Interclub Council

On Friday, we held our first ever ECHS Interclub Council meeting.  There were student club officers from Academic Decathlon, Book Club, BSU, GSA, HOPE, Key Club, Leadership, National Honor Society, Robotics/STEM, and the Senior Class Club in attendance.  Each club shared out on things that were taking place and things they are planning for the future.  Our goal is to have the clubs work together and support each others events.  A shared event calendar was created and the student leaders agreed to meet together once a month moving forward.  I am so proud of our students at ECHS, they clearly all want what's best for our school and want to support each other!

New Classrooms

Our two new portable classrooms arrived last week.  We will run our Math and College Readiness classes in them once we are able to resume in-person instruction.  They are both much larger than an average size classroom so we will have plenty of room to get students into groups for collaborative learning.  We are still unsure as to when we will be able to return to campus, but when we are able to return, we will be ready to go.

Check out these new tables on campus for students.  You can sit outside, eat lunch, and plug in a phone or chromebook.  We can't wait to get students back on campus.

Students of the Week

Congratulations to Severiana Davis!  Severiana won the Best of School Award for her Constitution Essay.  She won $100 and will be honored in a ceremony representing ECHS on November 21st.  

Severiana is also one of our students of the week!  She joined ECHS this year in 11th grade and is doing a excellent job in all of her classes.  She is a member of the ECHS BSU and is taking Psych 001 and Math 011.  Her high school weighted GPA is 4.04.  Great work Severiana!

10th grader Maryan Osman is one of our Students of the Week!  Maryan is excelling in the Early College High School program.  Her weighted GPA is over a 4.0 and she currently taking both French 002 and Comm 001.  Maryan is a member of Leadership and is working on the Events Committee.  She also a member of Honor Society and the Academic Decathlon team.  Maryan was nominated for student of the week for her outstanding work as a student mentor.  Great job Maryan!

Upcoming Dates

November 12ECHS Parent Group 3rd Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/unm-gauc-mxv

December 3- Registration for Spring Semester college classes


December 17- End of the first semester
Report Card grades post in Aeries on December 18th

December 18- January 8 Winter Break (3 weeks no high school or college classes)


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