
ECHS Office The ECHS office is open here at Solano College, if you ever need anything please come by. We know distance learning is a challenge so if we can help with tech issues, get you a book or any needed school supplies, or even print or scan a document for you we are here to help. We wear our masks and social distance. We can also meet you in the parking lot if you need to switch out a Chromebook or pick up a book. Feel free to call ahead 707-862-7158 or email Susan Harris at susanharr@fsusd.org. Our CAL/OSHA COVID-19 School Site Plan is on our website at www.fsusd.org/earlycollege SA Forms/Spring 2021 On Friday afternoon, I turned in all of the Special Admissions forms that were submitted this week. We are asking the students to log in to their MySolano accounts next week to make sure they are cleared for the correct classes and that there is hold on their account. If there are any issues, we have the month of November to get it corre...