March 8th

Women's History Month

We are very excited about all the different events taking place at SCC for Women's History Month!  One of the events is an Art Show that ECHS is putting on Monday, March 18th in the 1400 building (Fishbowl) from 10:00-2:00.  After the show, the art pieces will be displayed in the 100 building display cases.  The theme of the show is "Visionary Women."

SCC Cafeteria

New management is taking over the cafeteria in April.  In the meantime, there will only be limited items for sale for the rest of March.  

Lunches are always delivered daily from the RHS kitchen for students that qualify for free/reduced lunch or any student that wants to purchase it for $3.25.  Please let me know if you have any questions on school lunch or the ordering process.

Student Agreement and Expectations

We have asked all the students to review the Student Agreement and Expectations, take home for signatures, and then return to their College Readiness teachers.  Returning this contract is required for returning to Early College next school year.  We ask students to make a yearly commitment to the program.  We hope to not lose any students, but if students wish to leave ECHS and return to their school of residence we need to know this week.  This week we will be looking at our enrollment numbers, inviting students to join ECHS from the wait-list, and working on the master schedule.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know and I will be happy to schedule a conference.  

Student of the Year

We are in the process of selecting a senior ECHS student to be named Student of the Year.  The selected student will be honored at School Board meeting on April 11th as well as our Senior Awards night on May 30th.  The students that were nominated are preparing speeches for Tuesday after school.  If you are able to come and join us Tuesday from 3:00-3:30 in Ms. Williamson's room 1635, we will be listening to the speeches and voting on a winner.  We would love to have multiple parents come and help with the selection process.  

RHS Athletics

Information regarding RHS sports is emailed out to students daily in the RHS bulletin.  Students are encouraged to check the bulletin and RHS athletics web page.  Students can also contact the RHS coaches directly or the Athletic Director, Tracy Cordes if they have questions regarding tryout dates, summer conditioning programs, and off-season programs.  Students who plan to go out for a fall sport will need a current physical dated after June 1st in order to be eligible for conditioning and fall tryouts.  Now is a good time to start scheduling those appointments for next school year.  Here is some additional sports information from Ms. Cordes.


·      All athletes must be cleared online. 

Please go to to create an account and complete your athletic paperwork.

All physicals will be valid for one year from the date of the physical. The physicals must be turned into Coach Cordes along with the confirmation page from

For questions, please email Coach Cordes at

Fall Sports:         Practice Begins              Coach email
Football                      July 29th                  
Volleyball                 August 5th         
Girls Golf                  August 5th          
Cross Country         August 5th          
Girls Tennis             August 5th          
Water Polo            August 19th or

Winter Sports:    Practice Begins             Coach email
Girls Basketball        November 4th          
Boys Basketball        November 4th           
Girls Soccer              November 4th          
Boys Soccer              November 4th           
Wrestling                  November 4th             

 Spring Sports:         Practice Begins                    Coach email
Badminton                February 10th            
Baseball                     February 10th            
Boys Tennis              February 10th            
Boys Golf                   February 10th            
Softball                       February 10th            
Swim                           February 10th            
Dive                             February 10th            
Track                           February 10th            

Upcoming Dates

March 25th-29th: Spring Recess for HS, SCC in session

Apr. 6th, Saturday: Prom

Apr. 12th, Friday: Rodchella, Progress Reports

Apr. 13th, Saturday: ACT Test Day (@ RHS)

Apr. 15th-19th: Spring Break for HS & SCC

Apr. 23rd, Tuesday: 6 period day

May 3rd: Senior Project Showcase Event 1:00-3:00

May 4th, Saturday: SAT Test Day (@ RHS)

May 6th, Monday: Assist-A-Grad Awards @ 7pm, Fairfield Community Center (Willow Hall)

May 14th, Tuesday: Scholar Athlete Awards

May 16th, Thursday: Highest Honors Awards

May 17th-May 23: SCC Finals

May 23rd, Thursday: SCC Graduation

May 24th, Friday: No School

May 27th, Monday: Memorial Day No School

May 28th, Tuesday: 6 period day

May 30th, Thursday: ECHS Senior Awards @ 6pm, Suisun (Joseph Nelson Community Center)

May 31st, Friday: Great America Senior Trip

June 5th & 6th, Thursday & Friday: HS Finals

June 7th, Friday: High School Graduation

June 7th, Friday: Disney Grad Night @ 11pm thru Sunday @10am


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