
A lot has happened since my last blog post.  I am so proud to be the principal of the Early College High School program.  The students never cease to impress me for what they do each and every day inside and outside the classrooms.  

Academic Decathlon 

The Academic Decathlon team did such an amazing job on Saturday, Feb. 2nd competing in the North Bay Regional competition.  The entire team is this week's ECHS students of the week!  The students won 50 individual medals and the team finished in 6th place overall!

Art Show

On Monday, Feb. 4th ECHS helped kick of the Black History Month activities here at Solano College.  The art work was displayed in the 1400 fishbowl area and really impressed college students and staff who visited the show throughout the day.  If you missed it, here are some of the pieces.  Many of the pieces are also now up in a display case in the 100 building.  

Remembering Allensworth, CA

About 80 of our students attended a performance based presentation of Allensworth, which is a historic city founded and governed by African Americans.  The presentation was put on by Solano College as part of their Black History Month activities.

Inspire: Dreams Move Forward

Many of our ECHS 10th grade students participated in the Inspire event last Friday.  The students toured two local business and then went to RHS for lunch to hear speeches from RHS graduates Patrick Green, Tyler Idowo, and Roman Robinson.  The businesses visited by our students included:
 Alstom, Soltrans, Jelly Belly, Clorox, Fairfield Water Treatment, Producers Dairy Foods, Synder Filtration, Kaiser, ICON Aircraft, Before the Movie, Meyer Corporation, NorthBay, Travis Credit Union, Six Flags, DesingeRX, Cal Maritine, and Paradise Valley Estates.  
This is an excellent event put on by the district! I am so thankful that so many of our students chose to participate!

Rotary Good Character Awards

Congratulations to Jacob Francisco on winning a Rotary Good Character Award.  He was honored at a ceremony last Friday night.

MEL Champions

The boys soccer team won their first MEL championship in school history!  Congratulations to Ryan, Omar, and the rest of the team!

School Calendar

The 2019/2020 ECHS calendar has been approved.  I have attached two versions of the calendar to the email I sent out.  We will also put it on the website.  One calendar is the version like we have this year and in previous years that includes the rest of FSUSD.  The other calendar was created by parent leader Marilyn Barker and only includes ECHS and SCC.  If you have any questions please let me know.  

Here are some notable dates for next year:

First day of school for ECHS is Aug. 7th

First day of college classes for SCC is Aug. 12th

Winter Break is Dec. 20-Jan. 10th (No school these days for ECHS and SCC)

Assist-A-Grad Scholarships

College and Career Tech. Melissa Vallejo visited ECHS today and spoke with the seniors about Assist-A-Grad  scholarships.  There 85 different scholarships for the seniors to choose from and they can apply for 2.  The packets are due on February 28th.  Students can turn them in to Ms. Vallejo directly at RHS or to me by February 27th and I will get them turned in.  If there are any questions, Ms. Vallejo's email address is melissaV@fsusd.org.

Upcoming Dates

Feb. 19th, Tuesday: 6 period day

Feb. 22nd, Friday: Night Rally, Progress Reports

Feb. 25th, ECHS Parent Group Meeting from 6:30-7:30pm (moved back 30 min.) in portable classroom room 1104

Mar. 9th, Saturday: SAT Test Date (@ RHS)

March 25th-29th: Spring Recess for HS, SCC in session

Apr. 6th, Saturday: Prom

Apr. 12th, Friday: Rodchella, Progress Reports

Apr. 13th, Saturday: ACT Test Day (@ RHS)

Apr. 15th-19th: Spring Break for HS & SCC

Apr. 23rd, Tuesday: 6 period day

May 3rd: Senior Project Showcase Event 1:00-3:00

May 4th, Saturday: SAT Test Day (@ RHS)

May 6th, Monday: Assist-A-Grad Awards @ 7pm, Fairfield Community Center (Willow Hall)

May 14th, Tuesday: Scholar Athlete Awards (tentative)

May 16th, Thursday: Highest Honors Awards

May 17th-May 23: SCC Finals

May 23rd, Thursday: SCC Graduation

May 24th, Friday: No School

May 27th, Monday: Memorial Day No School

May 28th, Tuesday: 6 period day

May 30th, Thursday: ECHS Senior Awards @ 6pm, Suisun (Joseph Nelson Community Center)

May 31st, Friday: Great America Senior Trip

June 5th & 6th, Thursday & Friday: HS Finals

June 7th, Friday: High School Graduation

June 7th, Friday: Disney Grad Night @ 11pm thru Sunday @10am


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