Dec. 14th

College Finals are Finished!

The SCC fall semester is over and the students now have a month off from college classes.  Everyone should be web-registered for the Spring SCC semester.  If students still have questions or need help with registration, please let me know asap.  

High School Finals Schedule

Monday, December 17 we are on a 6 period high school schedule.

1st Period 8:00-8:50
3rd Period 9:00-9:50
5th Period 10:00-10:50
2nd Period 11:00-11:50
Lunch 12:00-12:50
4th Period 1:00-1:50
6th Period 2:00-2:50

Cocoa and Cram  3:00-5:00

All of the ECHS teachers have signed up to help students with last minute extra support after school in the SCC cafeteria (snacks and cocoa served at 3:30)

*Thank you to all the parents who donated for this activity.

Finals Day 1
Tuesday, 12/18
Period 1 8:00-9:15
Period 3 9:30-10:45
Period 5 11:00-12:15

Finals Day 2
Wednesday, 12/19
Period 2 8:00-9:15
Period 4 9:30-10:45

Period 6 11:00-12:15

Counselor Corner

College Courses
As students complete their college finals, professors will start submitting official college grades. Mr. Pizzo will be requesting official transcripts and will have our registrar update high school transcripts. This process takes a few weeks to complete. If you are interested in seeing your student's official college grades, your student can log into their MySolano account, click the "Student" tab, and then click "Unofficial Transcripts". 

Please note that Solano College courses numbered 1 - 49 will be weighted in your student's high school GPA. For example if your student received a grade "C", it will be weighted as a 3.0 instead of a 2.0. 

Also, Solano College courses numbered 1 - 49 and passed with a "C" grade or higher are transferable to the UCs and CSUs. 

ASVAB Career Exploration Test
The ASVAB test is a Career exploration test available for free to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade High School students. All branches of the Military use the test scores to determine eligibility into their programs. This is a recruitment free event for students. Your student will be excused from high school classes, therefore your student should talk with their teachers about any missing assignments for the day. A list of students will also be provided to the teachers for reference. 

The first ASVAB Career Exploration test will be next semester, Friday, January 11, 2019 at 8am at Solano College Bldg 1600 Room 1645. If your student is interested, they should've gotten an Authorization Form from me when I visited classrooms today. Forms are due to me or Mr. Pizzo by next Wednesday, 12/19/2018.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Mae Valles

School Counselor

11th Grade CR College Board Assignment

Ms. Freitas and Ms. Williamson's 11th grade College Readiness class completed college board research projects.  The students displayed their boards in the 1400 cafeteria building.  ECHS students from other classes got a chance to come by to check out the boards and discuss the projects with each other.  The students really did a great job!

Ringing the Bells 

ECHS will be outside Macy's (upstairs by women's shoes) from 12:00-6:00 tomorrow.  Come by to drop off some cash or change to support the ECHS program and the Salvation Army.  Ms. Turgeon-Staggs, Ms. Williamson, and Ms. Freitas have volunteered their time to be there with the students.  We hope to see you there!

Toys for Tots

Some toys have started to come in!  We will continue to collect new unwrapped toys through Wednesday next week. All the toys will be collected by Rodriguez High School Resource Officer Holocek.  Please support Officer Holocek in the Toys for Tots drive.  

Upcoming Events

12/15/18 Ringing the Bells at Macy's upstairs from 12:00-6:00

12/17/18 Cocoa and Cram from 3:00-5:00 in the SCC cafeteria 
(Cocoa and snacks beginning at 3:30)

1/9/19 ECHS Open House 4:00-5:00 at SCC 
(8th grade students and parents interested in applying to ECHS for next school year should attend)

1/18/19 ECHS Panoramic Picture
(11:00am in the SCC Gym, there will be a picture of the senior class as well as one with the entire program)

1/19/19 RHS Winter Dance 7:00-10:00am
Tickets are on sale now for $10 or free with ASB card (dance form required).

1/28/19 ECHS Parent Group 6:00-7:00 room 1104


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