May 18

FSUSD Highest Honors

Last night was the FSUSD Highest Honors Award Ceremony.  This ceremony is for students graduating high school with an average GPA of 4.0 or higher.  With the Solano College courses getting an extra grade bump like an honors or AP class, we had 6 students earn Highest Honors status.

Congratulations to Jeremy Good, Joel Perez, Trinity So, Olivia Matsumoto-Elliot, Sara Hobson, and Adelina Liew all graduating with a 4.0 or higher!

Here is an article about the event.  Olivia is on the front page of today's Daily Republic!

We also want to congratulate Tiffany Pelcher, Bobbi Livingston, and Bailey Quinlan. All three  students earned High Honor status with a 3.8-3.99 GPA.

ECHS Video Crew

We are thrilled to share that Christopher Cortes, Claire Genter, Dylan Ginez, Jose Gonzalez, and Raven Ginez's film, Young Hearts, has been selected as the Grand Prize Runner Up for the Global Student Voice Film Festival! They have won trips to Chicago!  Their film will be shown at the ISTE 2018 in Chicago on Monday, June 25, 2018 at the McCormick Place Convention Center.

Here is a link to their film, Young Hearts.  The theme of the competition is, "In someone else’s shoes."  Congratulations to the Video Crew!

Final Exams

Solano College final exams started today and run all next week.  Many students have final exams at different times than their class usually meets.  If any student has a college final during a high school class period, we excuse them from their high school class.  We are just asking that the students give their teachers a heads up if this is the case.  Parents, also please note some final exams take place in the afternoon or nighttime.  We want to wish all the students the best of luck on their finals.  

Solano College Graduation

The Solano College graduation is next week on Thursday, May 24 at 6:00pm.  We have 9 ECHS students graduating from Solano College with one or more AA degrees.  Here is a list of the Early College SCC graduates.  We are proud of their achievements!

Jeremy Good
AA: University Studies: Social Science
AA: University Studies: Arts & Humanities
AA: University Studies: Administration of Justice for Transfer

Sara Hobson
AA: University Studies: Liberal Studies for Elementary Teacher Preparation
AA: University Studies: Communication
AA: University Studies: Arts & Humanities

Adelina Liew
AA: University Studies: Science and & Quantitative Reasoning
AA: University Studies: Social Science

Bobbi Livingston
AA: University Studies: Social Science
AA: University Studies: Psychology for Transfer
AA: University Studies: Liberal Studies for Education

Olivia Matsumoto-Elliot
AA: Science, General
AA: University Studies: Science & Quantitative Reasoning
AA: University Studies: Liberal Studies for Education
AA: University Studies: Art & Humanities

Tiffany Pelcher
AA: University Studies:  Liberal Studies for Education

Joel Perez
AA: University Studies:  Arts and Humanities
AA: University Studies:  Communication
AA: University Studies: Liberal Studies for Education
AA: University Studies: Science and Quantitative Reasoning

Sankamitra Periasamy
AA: University Studies: Liberal Studies for Education

Trinity So
AA: University Studies: Arts & Humanities
AA: University Studies: Liberal Studies for Education


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