Feb. 2nd

Inspire Dreams Move Forward

Today we had 43 ECHS 10th grade students participate in the Inspire Dreams Move Forward event.  Students got out into the community and visited local businesses for tours and a job shadow experience. 

The ECHS students visited:

Alstom Transportation
City of Vacaville Utilities Department
Embry Riddle
Fairfield Suisun Sewer District
Mare Island Dry Dock
Meyer Corporation
Northbay Regional Water
Paradise Valley Estates and Partnership Healthcare

There are a lot of pictures of the students at the different locations on Twitter at the hashtag #InspireDMF18

Upon returning to Rodriguez High School the students worked in groups and completed a reflective journal activity.  The students then got to speak to community leaders and ask them questions in their small groups.  The event closed with the students getting to hear from guest speaker Willam Wesley from Full Life Balance as well as Fairfield Mayor Harry Price, and FSUSD Superintendent Kris Corey.  

This was the first year of this event and we are excited for our 9th graders to get a chance to participate next year.  


11th and 12th graders Prom tickets are now on sale!  You can pick up a student clearance from Ms. Williamson or come by my office.

Tickets are $100 ($90 w/ASB) now until Feb. 9th

Tickets are $110 (100 w/ASB) from Feb. 13 to March 23

Tickets are $120 ($110 w/ASB) from April 2 to April 12


Students please remember School After School tutoring is Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00.  If you need additional help with your high school classes this is a great opportunity.

The Solano College Tutoring Center is also a wonderful resource for ECHS students.  If you need any help with a college class there are tutors that will help you for free.  Stop by the Tutoring Center in the library for more information.  

Academic Decathlon

The quiz portion of the Academic Decathlon competition starts tomorrow at 3:30.  Come on out to the gym at Solano College to root on our team.  Good luck to all the students competing tomorrow!


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