Feb. 15

School Safety

It is absolutely devastating to hear about another school shooting taking place in our country. Our condolences go to the families, friends, and community of Parkland, Florida.  

Here at Solano College, we work closely with the Solano County Sheriff's Department.  The on-campus sheriffs are a great support to the students and staff in the Early College program.  As I emailed out last Friday, it is important that all students have the on-duty Sheriff cell phone number.   

Here are the emergency cell numbers again:

SCC Campus Sheriff Office 707-864-7131

*On-Duty Campus Sheriff Cell 707-580-6526 

Campus Monitor Deana Hayles (Ms. D) Work Cell 707-816-2532

Principal Pizzo Work Cell 707-410-0267

Next week we will be reviewing the Solano College Emergency Preparedness and Safety Awareness in every College Readiness class.  Here is a link to the Solano College website for more information.  There is also a link on the page for the Run. Hide. Fight. Surviving an Active Shooter Event Video.


Ringing the Bells

Major Randy Hartt from the Salvation Army came out to Early College High School on February 5th.  He presented the students who participated in Ringing the Bells a trophy for raising the most money.  He discussed the importance of community service with the students and brought them lunch.  This is the second year in a row ECHS has been presented the Ringing the Bells trophy.

Academic Decathlon

20 students from ECHS participated in the North Bay Region Academic Decathlon on Jan. 27 and Feb. 3 at Solano College.  The team did well in our second year competing.  5 students won individual medals in the following categories:  essay, speech, interview, math, social science, economics, music, and literature. With two of our students winning overall decathlete for their grade level with the highest points.


All 33 ECHS seniors are on track to graduate high school with an average of 49.5 completed college credits.  At the end of the fall semester, the average college GPA for the ECHS senior class was 3.09.

9 ECHS 12th grade students are on track to earn over 60 college units and have petitioned to graduate from Solano College on May 24, 2018.  These students will have AA degrees in Criminal Justice, Psychology, and University Studies with various emphases (Liberal Studies, Arts and Humanities, Communication, and Science and Quantitative Reasoning).

We are very excited for the students that are already hearing back from the universities that they applied to. We are expecting a lot more wonderful news in coming weeks. Here are some of the early acceptances.

FAFSA Reminder
March 2, 2018 is the deadline to have the FAFSA completed if you want to be considered for a 2018-2019 Cal Grant award.

Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Ms. Freitas for being selected the ECHS Teacher of the Year! Ms. Freitas was honored at the FSUSD Board meeting on Feb. 8th along with the teachers of the year from the other district schools.

Poetry Out Loud

Julia Mercado and Casey Davis both did well at the Solano County Poetry Out Loud competition.

Team Building

Ms. Turgeon-Staggs had her 10th grade College Readiness class working together in teams. Students had to plan, design, and carry out the task of building different structures with only toothpicks and marshmallows.

Incoming ECHS Students

90 completed applications were submitted by the Feb. 7th deadline from 8th grade students looking to join Early College next school year.  Early College staff is currently reviewing the applications and there will be a lottery to select 68 qualified students for next year's freshman class.

Have a wonderful and safe long weekend!


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