1,157 Transferable College Units

Our 12th grade students have already earned 1,157 transferable college units!  Just counting our senior class of 37 students, that is an average of 31 units per student earned by the end of 11th grade! Our senior class is gearing up to apply to four year colleges this year. They are sure going to have a lot of college units already completed when they get there.

I had the pleasure of visiting the Senior Project class today.  Mr. Voyce was leading a discussion about what makes a community. Students were discussing and writing about the different communities of which they were a part.  I am so excited to see what projects the senior will be starting!  A few students have started to share ideas with us, and they sound great! Next week students will be doing some reading and research in order to continue to find ideas for developing their senior projects.

School Counselor Ms. Valles and I, have been meeting with many students and parents already this year and want to make sure you know we are here for you if you need support.  Ms. Valles has been visiting the College Readiness classes to talk with the students and is making sure the students know how to make individual appointments to see her.  Students can use the QR code or calendar link to schedule appointments.  Ms. Valles is also available at lunch time for drop-ins Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Of course we are also both available by phone and email for both students and parents.

Students have now had 8 days of high school classes.  School After School tutoring will be starting next week for any students who need support.  Here is the schedule:

Mondays 3:00-4:00 in Portable 1101
-Math Support with Ms. Freitas 
-English Support with Ms. Smith

Wednesday 3:00-4:00 in Room 1642
-Science Support with Mr. Voyce 
-History Support with Ms. Williamson

With the first week of college classes ending, Solano Community College has now opened the tutoring center located in the library.  This is a great support for college classes.  Students please remember to have your Solano ID number.  You are college students and have the same access as any other Solano student.

Our goal is for every student to work hard and earn a C or above in every class.  Every student can meet the A-G requirements and get to a 4-year University after graduation!

We are also excited about the ECHS student clubs that are forming and will be taking place during the lunch period this year.  Here is a list of our high school clubs:

ECHS Clubs
National Honors Society*   1634        Monday
Academic Decathlon           1635        Tuesday
Debate                                 1626        Wednesday
Drama                                  1642        Thursday
Leadership                           1635         Friday
Senior Class                         1635        Friday
Magazine                              1635        TBD

* By invitation only due to GPA requirement

I wish everyone a fun and safe weekend!  Here are some pictures from the first week of school.


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