Exciting News!
I am pleased to announce that we will giving the PSAT to all 10th and 11th grade students here at ECHS on Oct. 19.
After the results come in ECHS School Counselor Mae Valles and I will work with the students to go over their results and show them the College Board website and how to "Match" with Khan Academy for SAT test prep.
Here is some additional information on the PSAT as well as a link to see sample questions and practice tests:
https://collegereadiness. collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt- psat-10/practice

After the results come in ECHS School Counselor Mae Valles and I will work with the students to go over their results and show them the College Board website and how to "Match" with Khan Academy for SAT test prep.
Here is some additional information on the PSAT as well as a link to see sample questions and practice tests:
Here's why you should study and take the
PSAT seriously:
1. It’s
a win/win for the student
Taking the test prepares
you for the SAT. You can take it freshman and sophomore year and your score
doesn’t matter, except to prepare you for the qualifying test.
2. The
PSAT opens the door for scholarship opportunities
If you study, you have a
good chance of outscoring other students in your state. Outscoring means you
open up multiple scholarship opportunities. Why would any student neglect this
amazing opportunity?
3. It’s
the only way you can qualify for a National Merit Scholarship
In the National Merit® Scholarship Program, three
types of Merit Scholarship®awards are offered to finalists: National Merit
$2,500 Scholarships, corporate-sponsored merit scholarship awards, and
college-sponsored merit scholarship awards. Special scholarships are awarded to
outstanding students who are not finalists and meet a corporate sponsor’s
criteria. Awarded to 2,500 students across the United States each year, the
National Merit Scholarship is a great honor that can also expand a student’s
educational opportunities.
By outscoring others in
your state, you can become a National Merit Semi-Finalist. In order to do this,
you don’t necessarily need to have a perfect score. You have to score as well
or better than the state index. By outscoring others in your state, you can
become a semi-finalist. Your goal is to beat the state index. For a list of
state index scores click here.
4. This
qualification is key to major college scholarships and awards
After being chosen as a
semi-finalist, there is a 96 percent chance of becoming a finalist. The only
students who do not move up to finalist rank are those who do not submit any
information about themselves, do not have good grades, do not take the SAT, or
fail to score well on the SAT.
When you complete the
semi-finalist paperwork, you will indicate the college of your choice. Only one
college can be selected, however; be thoughtful when making the selection.
Colleges who have money set aside for the finalists will use merit aid to
entice you to attend: full tuition, room and board, books and fees, laptops,
study abroad and even spending money. They might also offer automatic entrance
into the honors college, the best housing and priority registration until
5. If
you qualify, you’ll gain access to the National Achievement Scholarship Program
The NASP is a scholarship
program that’s only available to African American high school students and is
responsible for 700 scholarships of $2,500 each. Like the National Merit
Scholarship, the door is also opened to corporate scholarships. Nearly 5,000
black students are honored each year, and out of those, 3,100 get college
referrals as promising candidates. The PSAT also puts African American students
on the radar of advisors and recruiters through the National Scholarship
6. It’s
a “preliminary test” preparing you for the SAT
The proof that taking the
PSAT pays off is already out there: the College Board found that last year,
students who took the PSAT scored 145 points higher on the SAT than their peers
who skipped the test.
7. You
need to take it to compete with your classmates
With college competition
fierce, you need every advantage when stacking up against your classmates. Your
peers may have made it even more important to take the PSAT your junior year,
because some of them have already taken it once or even twice by their junior
year. The College Board reports over half (56%) of the PSAT-takers in 2011 were
sophomores or younger, which on average helps them score 3.5 points higher on
each section of the PSAT their junior year.
8. It
puts you on a college’s radar
It’s to your advantage as
a college-bound student to make it as easy as possible for colleges to get a
hold of you. Through a program called the Student Search Service (SSS), the
College Board (the group that administers the PSAT and SAT) allows students to
share “personal and preferential” information with more than 1,100 colleges and
scholarship boards for no cost. The service is opt-in, and you won’t get
bombarded by spam mail. The SSS is a great way to hear from colleges you may
never have considered. And if you score well on the test, colleges will court
you for their student body and offer scholarships.
9. You
can take advantage of My College Quickstart
Every student who takes
the PSAT gets access to a program called My College Quickstart. It’s
a free resource that lets you use your PSAT scores to predict your future SAT
score, go over questions you got wrong on the test, see a list of recommended
colleges that are a match for your stated degree interest, have a customized
SAT study plan created for you, and even view suggested majors and career
choices that might be a fit for you.
10. It
helps you determine your strengths and weaknesses
Once you’ve used My
College Quickstart to review what kinds of questions you missed on the PSAT,
you’ll be armed with invaluable knowledge about where to target your studying.
We know it’s the real world, and you have only so much time to dedicate to SAT
prep, so why waste time studying for a subject you clearly already have down
With all this at stake,
it makes sense for you to put a great amount of focus on studying and preparing
for the PSAT.
11. Confidence Boost
Doing well can provide a
big confidence boost: Test anxiety and a fear of the unknown can have a negative
impact on students taking the SAT for the first time. However, if you've
already done well on the PSAT, you'll be at a distinct advantage.
Just as rehearsing before a performance or practicing before a
sports game gives you the boost of confidence you need to succeed, posting a
solid score on the PSAT will do the same for your SAT-taking experience.
Additionally, the PSAT is a tool many colleges and universities
use to identify students they think may make a good addition to their student
body and who may be deserving of scholarships. These scores are a way for
colleges to be more selective in their recruitment process, and having schools
express interest in you and recruit you to apply can also increase
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