Nov. 12th

 Senior Project Pitches

We are halfway through the Senior Project Pitches and we have heard seniors pitch some amazing Community Service, Creative Arts, and Career Explorations projects.  We have had multiple parents at every session and we really appreciate the feedback and participation from having guests on the panels.  If you can make it to one or more of the following sessions please send me an email ( so I can add you to the guest list.  *All guests must check in the office and show proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID test before entering the classrooms. 

Here are the final pitch sessions:

Nov. 16th 2nd Period 8:00-9:50am, 4th Period 10:00-11:50am

Nov. 18th 2nd Period 8:00-9:50am, 4th Period 10:00-11:50am

National Honor Society

On Tuesday night we inducted 72 new members into the ECHS National Honor Society Chapter.  Congratulations to all of these students!  Keep up the great work!

Student of the Week

12th grader Yazmyn Sims is our ECHS Student of the Week!  Yazmyn was nominated for this recognition by Mrs. Williamson for her excellent work in Economics class and for earning the Voice of Democracy Scholarship.  Yazmyn has made the honor roll every semester in high school, has a 4.37 weighted GPA, and will be earning a AA degree next semester from SCC.  Yazmyn is also a member of the BSU, Robotics Club, Key Club, Honor Society, and Speech and Debate Club.  Great job Yazmyn!

SCC Message Regarding Fee and Account Holds

Students, please see this message below from Jenny Gonzalez at Solano College.  Disregard the messages that were sent by text and email on Wednesd from SCC.  You owe no money and there are no holds on your accounts.  We will help you double-check everything in your account next week in the College Readiness class.

Please remember you are not responsible for any costs of taking college classes in the ECHS program.  The only time you need to pay anything for classes is if you choose to take summer courses.  Summer courses are optional for all high school students and are not required for ECHS students.  

Special Admission forms have been dropped off to Jenny Gonzalez and you should be able to see the classes you are cleared for by the end of next week.  If you have any questions please let me or Mrs. Mae know. 


Many students have received two separate texts and emails regarding fees. One text/email was informing students their account has fees and an outstanding balance. The fees the students have on their accounts will not prevent any FECHS students from registering. There are NO holds on their accounts.


The second text/email went out regarding the CARES Fees Act. This act has generously provided funding to pay all student debit during and after COVID 19. The results of this act has now paid all outstanding fees.


Please have the FECHS students check their balances in their MySolano. The balance should state $0 dollars.


I apologize for the confusion. Remember there are NO holds on any accounts regarding fees to prevent registration on Wednesday, December 1st.




Jenny Gonzalez

Student Services Generalist

Vacaville and Travis AFB Centers 

(707) 864-7000 ext. 4586

Vacaville Office: (707) 863-7836

Travis AFB: (707) 863-7878

Game Night

Students, please consider staying after school on Thursday for a fun Game Night in the cafeteria.  There will be a variety of games for students from all grade levels to play.

Upcoming Events


Nov. 17th ECHS Parent Group Meeting 5:30-6:30pm SCC Cafeteria

Nov. 18th Game Night 3:00-4:30pm in the SCC Cafeteria

Nov. 18th New Student (Fall 2022) Information Night #1

Dec. 1 New Student (Fall 2022) Information Night #2

Dec. 15th and 16th Finals Exams

Dec. 17th- Jan. 7th Winter Break (No High School or College Classes)

April 11-15 Spring Break (No High School or College Classes)
May 26th SCC Graduation Ceremony at 6:00pm

June 9th Last Day of School
June 10th RHS/ECHS Graduation Ceremony  at 6:00pm


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