
Senior Project Showcase We want to invite all parents to come to ECHS on Friday, May 3rd for the 2nd Annual Senior Project Showcase. The seniors have been working hard all year on completing their projects and will be showing them off to the 9th-11th grade students, parents, and community members from 1:00-3:00 in back room in the SCC 1400 cafeteria building. We hope to see you there! Magazine Next week is the last week that the ECHS magazine is going to be on sale. The magazine is the ECHS version of a yearbook. It will be filled with color pictures and can be bought for only $30. Cash or check will be accepted. For checks, please be sure to include your driver's license and make it payable to RHS. Students can buy the magazine before school, during lunch, or after school from me or Ms. Williamson through Friday, May 3rd. Challenge Day We held our first ever Challenge Day here at ECHS today. T...