April 15
Last week was a busy week at Early College as we returned Monday from a two week break from high school classes. The week started off with the WASC review and ended with a fun Scavenger Hunt activity after school Friday and the prom Saturday night.
The WASC committee came to Early College on Tuesday and visited every high school class that was taking place during 4th period. The committee members had the opportunity to speak with the ECHS teachers and students. The WASC committee reported that they were pleased with what they saw at ECHS and noted the high levels of rigor and student engagement in the classes.
Here is part of RHS Principal Clarence Isadore's Blog to the RHS staff regarding WASC:
What a week we had as we ended with our WASC visit. This is such a big deal for schools. This provides a self study that is real and at what we need to look for to improve ourselves based on the data and recommendations from the WASC team. All of you worked very hard, however our focus group leaders put in countless hours to gather information, data and leadership that was centered around Rodriguez HS and student achievement. Big Shout out to Sarah McLaughlin with her expertise in being on numerous WASC visits as a member and chair. Please take the time to thank these staff members for going above and beyond.
Here are our schoolwide critical areas for follow up:
1) Provided opportunities for students to become College and Career ready
2) Increase mathematics readiness for post-secondary opportunities in a global society
3) Increase ELA readiness for post secondary opportunities in a global society
4) Maintain a safe & supportive environment where all students value diversity and lifelong learning
The committee identified addition areas of focus:
1) The school staff, with support of District Office, continue to examine, implement, and monitor Initial Fluent English Proficiency and Reclassified Fluent English Proficiency student progress regularly as effective means of supporting student achievement.
2) The school staff, with support of the District Office, will continue to focus on research based instructional methods to increase rigor and engagement in all courses regardless of level.
We have work ahead as we look to improve. This work, in which we all have pride across the board, with staff, students, parents and community is taken seriously. We will get there with teamwork and collaboration that relates to our WASC feedback.
The ECHS staff selected senior student, Sara Orozco, as the Student of the Year. Sara has overcome some great challenges in her four years at Early College. She truly represents what ECHS is all about. Sara was recognized at the School Board meeting Thursday night. Sara gave an excellent speech thanking the ECHS staff and her family for all their support. We are very proud of her!

The WASC committee came to Early College on Tuesday and visited every high school class that was taking place during 4th period. The committee members had the opportunity to speak with the ECHS teachers and students. The WASC committee reported that they were pleased with what they saw at ECHS and noted the high levels of rigor and student engagement in the classes.
Here is part of RHS Principal Clarence Isadore's Blog to the RHS staff regarding WASC:
What a week we had as we ended with our WASC visit. This is such a big deal for schools. This provides a self study that is real and at what we need to look for to improve ourselves based on the data and recommendations from the WASC team. All of you worked very hard, however our focus group leaders put in countless hours to gather information, data and leadership that was centered around Rodriguez HS and student achievement. Big Shout out to Sarah McLaughlin with her expertise in being on numerous WASC visits as a member and chair. Please take the time to thank these staff members for going above and beyond.
Here are our schoolwide critical areas for follow up:
1) Provided opportunities for students to become College and Career ready
2) Increase mathematics readiness for post-secondary opportunities in a global society
3) Increase ELA readiness for post secondary opportunities in a global society
4) Maintain a safe & supportive environment where all students value diversity and lifelong learning
The committee identified addition areas of focus:
1) The school staff, with support of District Office, continue to examine, implement, and monitor Initial Fluent English Proficiency and Reclassified Fluent English Proficiency student progress regularly as effective means of supporting student achievement.
2) The school staff, with support of the District Office, will continue to focus on research based instructional methods to increase rigor and engagement in all courses regardless of level.
We have work ahead as we look to improve. This work, in which we all have pride across the board, with staff, students, parents and community is taken seriously. We will get there with teamwork and collaboration that relates to our WASC feedback.
ECHS Student of the Year
The ECHS staff selected senior student, Sara Orozco, as the Student of the Year. Sara has overcome some great challenges in her four years at Early College. She truly represents what ECHS is all about. Sara was recognized at the School Board meeting Thursday night. Sara gave an excellent speech thanking the ECHS staff and her family for all their support. We are very proud of her!
Prom was a blast for the students Saturday night in San Francisco at the California Academy of Sciences. Students got to explore the museum, check out the aquarium, sing karaoke, and of course, have fun on the dance floor. 51 ECHS 11th and 12th grade students attended with almost 500 RHS students. The students looked amazing! We will be posting pictures later this week.
Senior Project
The Early College Senior Class would like to invite all the parents to Solano College on May 4th, 2018. They will be showcasing their Senior Projects in the Cafeteria 1400 Building from 1:00-3:00. The students are looking forward to the opportunity to share their experiences with the community. We hope to see you there! I will be sending out a reminder and a parking pass the week before. Please mark your calendars.
The CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) testing is starting Monday, April 16th. The 11th graders will take the English test Monday and Wednesday this week and the Math on May 5th and 7th.
The 12th grade students will be taking the CAST (California Science Test) on Tuesday.
The 9th grade Physical Fitness Test has been taking place and will finish up Thursday and Friday this week.
*If you have any questions regarding testing please let me know.
College Registration
The SCC Fall schedule is out, however, the K12 registration date has been moved back to May 2nd. Students are looking at their schedules and four year plans to decide which classes to register for. Ms. Mae and I are happy to answer any questions students and parents have. We would like to get the Special Admissions Forms by the end of this week.
We will be meeting with the incoming 9th grade students on Saturday, April 21st to help them register for Solano and go over the class selection process with them.
Academic Success
We are getting to the home stretch of the school year. If your student is struggling in a college class, please encourage them to come and let Ms. Mae and I know. We want to make sure they are communicating with their professors and visiting them during office hours. The SCC Tutoring Center has been a real asset, but many of the students are still not taking advantage of this resource.
We also will be continuing School After School High School tutoring every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00 through the end of May.
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