Jan. 26

It has been another wonderful week here at Early College High School! Announcements We have been working hard to make sure every student has all the college textbooks and online access subscriptions they need for their college classes. The majority of books are in and have been picked up in Ms. Williamson's room (1635). There are a few books on back-order from the campus bookstore as well as a few that we ordered online that are schedule to arrive next week. If there are any students that still need something for a college class, they need to email me asap or come see me at lunch Monday. A lot of applications have been coming in this week for students looking to join ECHS next year as 9th graders. Applications are due to the main office at Rodriguez High School by February 7th. We are also looking to fill a few open spots for 10th and 11th grade next year. Students looking to possibly transfer to ECHS should contact Susan Ha...