Hello Early College Families,
I am so proud and eager to begin my new position as Early College High School Principal.  I will be on the Solano College campus full time starting the 2017-18 school year. My office is located in Building 100 Room #147.  I look forward to being on campus so that I am able to interact with the students and faculty on a daily basis. I am also excited to announce that our ECHS School Counselor Mae Valles is returning and will have extended days to meet with students and families.  Ms. Valles will be on the Solano College campus every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday during the hours of 7:45am - 3:00pm.

We are pleased to welcome teachers Lisa Turgeon-Staggs and Jamilah Whiteside from Rodriguez High School to Early College.    Ms. Turgeon-Staggs will be teaching Math 3 and College Readiness 9 and 10.  Ms. Whiteside will be teaching English 9, World Civ, and College Readiness 11. Both teachers are highly qualified with many years of teaching experience and will be a strong addition to the ECHS Team!

Next year we will be starting the fourth year of our Early College program.  This will be our first graduating senior class as they have an important year ahead. The seniors will be working on their Senior Project, applying to 4 year Universities, and getting ready for graduation.  The majority of the senior class is on pace to earn close to 60 college units by graduation.  These students will be starting at their 4 year colleges with about 2 years of college already completed!

I hope you all are having a wonderful summer!  I look forward to seeing everybody and getting the year kicked off at Orientation on Aug. 7 from 9:00-11:00 at Rodriguez High School.  Don’t forget the first day of school at Solano College for the ECHS program is Aug. 9th.

John Pizzo
ECHS Principal


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