Happy New Year!!!

High School classes resume on Tuesday, January 3rd.  While the college classes are still on break, we are excited to be returning back.  The cafeteria at Solano will be closed during the college break.  Please plan to bring snack lunches to campus each day.  Students who receive lunch from the school district will still have their lunches delivered.  Also, please note with no school Monday, we will be on a special odd block schedule Friday.  Below is the list of the other Fridays with a special schedule.


Special Friday Schedules (1/6, 1/20, 2/24, 4/21, and 6/2)

Period 1 8:00-9:50
Period 3 10:00-11:50
Lunch 12:00-12:50
Period 5 1:00-2:50

Reminder: If you need to pick up your son or daughter from campus, please call the Rodriguez High School attendance office to report the absence. Students also need to check out with a teacher or Campus Monitor, Deanna Hayles before leaving campus.  Let's work together to ensure student safety and have a wonderful Spring semester and an outstanding 2017! 


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