Happy New Year!!! High School classes resume on Tuesday, January 3rd. While the college classes are still on break, we are excited to be returning back. The cafeteria at Solano will be closed during the college break. Please plan to bring snack lunches to campus each day. Students who receive lunch from the school district will still have their lunches delivered. Also, please note with no school Monday, we will be on a special odd block schedule Friday. Below is the list of the other Fridays with a special schedule. Special Friday Schedules (1/6, 1/20, 2/24, 4/21, and 6/2) Period 1 8:00-9:50 Period 3 10:00-11:50 Lunch 12:00-12:50 Period 5 1:00-2:50 Reminder: If you need to pick up your son or daughter from campus, please call the Rodriguez High School attendance office to report the absence. Stu...
Showing posts from 2016
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Saturday Dec. 3rd ECHS participated in Ringing the Bells We were outside Macy's from 9:00-6:00 Thanks to all the students and staff that came out. A lot of money was raised for the Salvation Army. Congratulations to Ms. Freitas 3rd Period Class! 1st Place in the Deck the Doors Competition Finals Next Week! Wednesday 12/14 Period 1 8:00-9:15 Period 3 9:30-10:45 Period 5 11:00-12:15 Thursday 12/15 Period 2 8:00-9:15 Period 4 9:30-10:45 Period 6 11:00-12:15 *The ECHS teachers are flexible and have been adjusting the final times for individual students that have conflicts with college classes. Students with conflicts have been checking in with their teachers and scheduling their finals during alternative times. **Students please see Ms. Williamson if you have a conflict next week if you haven't talked to her already. I hope everybody has a wonderful Holiday Break!
Counseling at ECHS
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Parents please see the message below from School Counselor Mae Valles. Mae is here at ECHS Mondays and Tuesdays and is working on individual plans for every student. She also has drop in times and has been sending the students emails. Please remind your student to check their school emails and see their counselor when needed. Thanks " I'm here to help! Feel free to contact me, your counselor, Ms. Mae, any time with questions or concerns through email: MAEV@fsusd.org or 707/712-8573. If you’d like to see your counselor in person, make an appointment by using the Sign-Up Sheet in Ms. Williamson's room. Please note that the sign-up sheet will be dated a week in advance." Sincerely, Mae Valles maev@fsusd.org Counselor 707/712-8573 Posted in Ms. Williamson's classroom
First Grading Period Ends Friday Sept. 23
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Progress report grades are coming next week. I hope to see all the ECHS students earning C's or higher in all their classes both high school and college. Our goal is to make sure every student is able to get into a 4 year college after leaving ECHS. Our school counselor Mae Valles is visiting classrooms starting next week to talk to students about A-G requirements and college planning. She and I along with the ECHS teachers will be stressing the importance of high grades in order for the students to get into the colleges they desire to attend. I am especially proud of how the ECHS students have been preforming in their Solano classes. Below is some data on the grades our students earned last year in their college classes each semester. I hope to see the same success this year even as our students are moving into more and more higher level classes here at Solano College. ...
Exciting News!
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I am pleased to announce that we will giving the PSAT to all 10th and 11th grade students here at ECHS on Oct. 19. After the results come in ECHS School Counselor Mae Valles and I will work with the students to go over their results and show them the College Board website and how to "Match" with Khan Academy for SAT test prep. Here is some additional information on the PSAT as well as a link to see sample questions and practice tests: https://collegereadiness. collegeboard.org/psat-nmsqt- psat-10/practice PSAT Test- Why is it important? www.collegeboard.com . Here's why you should study and take the PSAT seriously: 1. It’s a win/win for the student Taking the test prepares you for the SAT. You can take it freshman and sophomore year and your score doesn’t matter, except to prepare you for the qualifying test. 2. The PSAT opens the door for scholarship opportunit...
Friday Schedule Changes
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Early College High School Parents and Guardians: Thank you for an exciting start to the school year! We appreciate you getting your students to high school and college classes on time and ready to learn. There are a few dates this school year in which a schedule change is required to keep consistent the number of class sessions between the odd class periods and even class periods on weeks where a Monday is Holiday or Recess Day. Fridays on the weeks where Monday is a holiday will become a “Monday Schedule” running block periods of 1 st 3 rd and 5 th to make it up for them missed Monday blocks. For most students this will not cause any interference with a college course, but if there is interference, please notify the affected teacher and accommodations will be made. List of dates: Monday Holiday ...
2nd Week at ECHS
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ECHS School Counselor, Mae Valles, is at Solano Community College every Monday and Tuesday and is working out of room 1638. Students are able to pop in or schedule an appointment to meet with Ms. Valles as needed. Her email address is maev@fsusd.org . Ms. Valles and I are working on developing 4-year plans for every student at ECHS, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. I am so proud of what I have seen from the students to start the year. We had a new student start the program Thursday and she was immediately welcomed by her new classmates. Social Contracts created and signed by ECHS students. This Friday, 8/26 there will be a Back-to-School Social held at Rodriguez High School for both ECHS and Rodriguez students. It will take place from 6:00-8:00, we hope to see you there! This year, Rodriguez will be holding s...
1st Week
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What an Amazing Week! Monday, August 8th: ECHS Orientation It was such a pleasure meeting so many students and parents at orientation. As I discussed, the goal for Early College High School is to ensure every student graduates prepared to enter a four year college with several college courses and requirements already completed. I am committed to working with the students and families to make sure they navigate through the program with success. As Early College is a voluntary program, there are high expectations for all. Students are expected to behave at all times, attend all their classes, and maintain a grade of "C" or higher in all their high school and college classes. Everyone should have our staff directory, attendance procedures and policies, class time schedules, and school calendar. Please email me if you need an additional copy or any further information. Wednesday, August 10th: First Day of School for ECHS Wh...