April 22

Academic Support Today is the last day of the progress report grading period. The ECHS teachers will have grades calculated and submitted by 3:00pm on Monday. Students are entering the final 6 weeks of school and then finals week. If you are falling behind and need support, please check in with your counselor, Mrs. Mae. Support is available through our School After School (SAS) program every Monday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm. Need help with a college class? Check out the SCC Tutoring Center in the new library there is a schedule of support times available for a number of college classes. Also, don't forget to see your professors during their in-person or online office hours. *If your professor's office hours conflict with a high school class please come and see me for an excused pass. If you are struggling, we want to do everything we can to support you. Counselor Corner Attention 9th - 11th grade students, plea...