March 19th

Wellness Week Next week is ECHS Wellness Week. We mailed home flyers for the event and we are excited for the lunch activities that Leadership, Key Club, National Honor Society, BSU, HOPE, and GSA clubs have planned. There will be daily drawings for a chance to win incentive bags for students who participate. as well as a Additionally, there will be a drawing at the end of the week for students who participated every day in the Wellness Week activities. We are focusing on self-love and self-care and encourage all students to participate. 9th Grade Support We held our Virtual 9th Grade Parent Support Night last night. Our message for all students and parents, is that there is still time to to improve grades in both high school and college courses. This has been a challenging year, but we are here to support all students. If there are students who are struggling in the their college class and feel they are in danger of failing t...