
School Pictures RHS school pictures are taking place February 8-11. School pictures are optional this year. Students who come and take a school picture will get a RHS ID card and the photo taken will be in the RHS yearbook. A email with an optional link to purchase photos will be sent afterward. *Students that don't come in to take a school photo will have an option at a later date to send in a photo that they would like in the RHS yearbook, on an ID card, and in the ECHS magazine. Here is the information on the school photos: Click here to schedule your appointment: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=21414985&appointmentType=19807162 Solano College Tutoring Even through Distance Learning there is a lot of support for students with their college classes. Don't be afraid to reach out. Our most successful students seek out college tutoring when they need some extra help. If you aren't sure how to access these free...