November 21

Thanksgiving Break FSUSD is off for the week so there will be no high school classes, however college is still in session and has classes on Monday and Tuesday. If you have live class sessions, please make sure to attend and make sure you are completing any work that is due next week. This has been an extra challenging year, please make sure to take some time next week to relax, take care of yourself, and stay safe. ECHS Office is Closed for the Semester We had to close our Early College office at Solano College in Building 300. Susan Harris, Elvira Preciado, and I will be working at Rodriguez High School for the remainder of the semester. We will be back on the Solano campus on 1/4 or 1/11 and will let you know when we have our official return date. You can still reach Mrs. Harris at 707-862-7158. If you need to get in touch with me, please call my work cell phone at 707-410-0267 and of course you can continue to email us if you nee...