
Showing posts from October, 2018


School Safety Earlier in the school year we talked with all the students about putting emergency numbers in their phones.  Now there is an even easier way for Solano College students to connect with the campus sheriffs if needed.  The Solano Safe App can be downloaded for free in the App Store and Google Play. The app is designed to help students, faculty, and staff: ● Access emergency plans detailing specific actions students should take in the event of an emergency situation.   ● Contact on-campus and off-campus emergency personnel. ● Access a personal safety toolbox with a flashlight, alarm, and personal safety tips. ● Report suspicious activity.  Photos can be submitted directly to Campus Sheriff's Office. ● Follow the Solano Safety News Feed for safety and other related information, such as weather alerts. ● Find their way around campus. ● Open real-time chat with on-duty, including a mobile emergency "blue l...


Counselor Corner Thanks to all the 9th and 10th grade parents who attended my information night. I hope it was informative. Please see the link for the presentation from Monday night: com/presentation/d/ 166icirCehGImPU7zD0P5QOKfP6xtt r9Yi9rXPoVTQh0/edit?usp= sharing Dates to Remember for Solano College Registration Week of October 29: Special Admissions forms will be going out and will be due the week of November 12 to CR classes for processing Spring 2019: SCC Course Schedule will be published November 5  Spring 2019: Registration is December 10. Students will register themselves at the designated time assigned by Solano College. I have appointments available for all students and parents on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Here is my calendar appointment link:  Drop in hours are during students' lunch from 11:50am - 12:50pm. It is recommended for students to meet with me to discuss ...


PSAT 72 ECHS students are taking the PSAT tomorrow morning at Rodriguez High School.   Here is a reminder for those students from Ms. Vallejo: PSAT test, Saturday, Oct 13th RHS 8am-12pm •Students arrive no later than  7:45am  for check in.  •Room assignments will be posted inside main green gates at entrance to left of school office. (You’ll see others being dropped, walking in, searching for their names on alpha list)  •We’ll be there to direct students to room assignments in F wing along with upper/lower D wing. •Expect the test to run 8am-12noon. What students should  not  bring: Backpacks-   small purses are acceptable Cell Phones:  Will  not be allowed  to be seen or heard at any time during the test! Staff members will collect phones for the duration of the test-and will be returned to students after test. Be prepared for this-if you cannot give it up... DO NOT BRING IT! What Student...


Schedule for Next Week Monday, Oct. 8 There are no high school classes and school lunches will not be delivered.  This is a day off for all FSUSD schools.  ECHS students are still expected to attend their SCC classes.  I will be working out of my office (147) on campus but the rest of the ECHS staff will be off.  Students or parents are welcome to come by to see me or give me a call on Monday. Tuesday, Oct. 9 There are no SCC classes.  The cafeteria will also be closed.  Students should bring their lunch or order lunch from the school district. For Tuesday the high school classes we will be on a Friday schedule (without 9th grade PE). 1st Period 8:00-8:50 3rd Period 9:00-9:50 5th Period 10:00-10:50 2nd Period 11:00-11:50 Lunch 12:00-12:50 4th Period 1:00-1:50 6th Period 2:00-2:50 Class of 2019 Senior Projects The seniors are getting ready to make their Senior Project Pitches.  We starting to put together panel...