Feb. 15
School Safety It is absolutely devastating to hear about another school shooting taking place in our country. Our condolences go to the families, friends, and community of Parkland, Florida. Here at Solano College, we work closely with the Solano County Sheriff's Department. The on-campus sheriffs are a great support to the students and staff in the Early College program. As I emailed out last Friday, it is important that all students have the on-duty Sheriff cell phone number. Here are the emergency cell numbers again: SCC Campus Sheriff Office 707-864-7131 *On-Duty Campus Sheriff Cell 707-580-6526 Campus Monitor Deana Hayles (Ms. D) Work Cell 707-816-2532 Principal Pizzo Work Cell 707-410-0267 Next week we will be reviewing the Solano College Emergency Preparedness and Safety Awareness in every College Readiness class. Here is a link to the Solano College website for more i...